I am a Pally Tank! Not a Rogue!

My issue with Holy Power is that it’s not dynamic enough.

You have 5 HP and everything adds 1 HP or takes 3 HP. So its really just a “3 gainers then a spender” rotation. With random procs added just to mess with you.

It would be a lot better if we had 6 HP max, so you could choose to do 2 spenders in a row. Or if we had different costs on our spenders so you had to choose between a smaller but constant applied mitigation versus saving up for a big one.


We have 4 buttons, thank you very much.

I’m leveling a Paly tank and I actually like the whole combo point system. It lets you pre-plan ahead of time what exactly you’re going to do and can be a bit of a fast paced experience.

This is completely different from my DK tank which is just boring and unengaging to play.

In BFA you could burn excess charges of SotR to reduce the cd of LotP. Judgment reduced the cd of SotR, and Crusader’s Judgment gave you additional charges of Judgment. You could also choose to augment your Judgment with traits that acted as Seals, like Grace of the Justicar to provide even more group healing or Indomitable Justice for more damage.

BFA didn’t get a whole lot right, but that iteration of Prot Paladin was one of the best displays of class design from top to bottom that this game has seen. You’re trying to make SL Prot sound sophisticated, but it just sacrificed so much nuance and versatile customization in the name of counting to three before you do anything.


You should take your own words to heart. You do not speak for everyone.

I hate the whole HP system.


Did you play Prot Pally before?

The current state of Holy Power is actually less engaging in terms of choice when it comes to ShotR. Since you can’t bank multiple charges you can’t choose or preplan whether you will do a steady rotation or burst damage. It’s just “when u get to 3, hit button”.


Lol, that’s terrible design.

Here’s the thing, any situation where we need self heals is ALSO a situation we’d need mitigation. That’s a lame and false choice to make between trying not to die and also trying not to die. Anytime we arent being beaten on actively, then we have a nice free heal in Flash of Light that works all the time, no Holy Power needed.

The proper choice is and always have been between survivability and damage.

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Except you can’t “spam” since it also takes 3 HP which requires 3 GCDs and an active target to build up. You’d be faster just casting Flash of Light.

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No, I was saving leveling alts for the pre-patch. I have a DK tank and it’s boring to play all you do is push 3-4 buttons and are throttled by your runes recharging.

Prot is fun because you build your 3 charges fast and can dump a heal on a party member on yourself or shield of righteousness. You’re not really a tank, but like a support class. I heal the healer just as much as they heal me.

I was sold on playing a prot paly tank when I started getting healed by one in M+ while on my Priest when my hp dropped to like 25%.

Ah, yeah the thing is that you could do that before. It’s actually worse now because ShoR and Word of Glory are both HP spenders and HP only goes up to 5. So without rng procs, you can’t hit Shor twice or do ShoR and Word of Glory at the same time.

Previously, ShoR worked on charges with a cooldown and a maximum of 3 charges. The typical choice was to keep ShoR steady at 2 charges constantly so that you could always pop it for burst damage/mitigation when needed but you gained from the constant use over time. And the self heal could be talented into a party heal to work the same way but without having to take away any resources from your own survivability.


The only spec holy power really sucks on is Holy, but that spec just sucks overall right now.

Holy Power is the reason I’m coming back to Pally from DK and playing Prot instead of Blood.

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gotta say i kinda agree, all through wotlk pallys did great without holy power. most people didn’t even want a prot warrior anymore.


Lol, if you think Prot is great now with HP, you really need to have played BFA without it. It was basically the same just slightly better since you could hit ShoR twice in a row.


accept it

rogues is the best class on wow and ur class is inferior in every way

“Spam” in a figurative or comparative sense. HotP had approx a 12-15 sec cd I believe with average haste levels. HoTP’s cooldown could only be reduced otherwise through the righteous protector talent, and even then it was 4 secs for a ShoR outside of ineffable truth messing with cd’s( and ShoR on it’s own had a 10 or so sec cd reduced by judgement)

Compared to BFA paladin, being able to use your heal at a frequency of 3x times as much if you dumped all your resources into it was why I said spam. That’s also ignoring Divine purpose allowing multiple WoG’s, and Holy avenger allowing you to literally WoG every other gcd. With certain talent set ups yes, you basically can spam WoG.


Yeah but with enough haste you don’t need to ShoR twice in a row…plus you get procs with divine purpose that let you hit it almost 4 times in a row…or spam word of glory. Holy Power feels a lot more versatile in giving the player the choice to shield or heal. I’m very much looking forward to playing Prot Pally this iteration vs BFA.

I tried to get into Prot in BFA but just hated it vs my brain dead Blood DK, especially with corruptions and TD going BRRRRRTTTTT while having the simplest self sustain in game(you just do the regular rotation and heal like crazy!).

You have a good point, the counter to this point is the much higher uptime on SoTR. Even at the end of the expac with all the corruption and secondary stats available it was barely possible to maintain 100% uptime mitigation.

HP is changing that.

SoTR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>self heal

Damage mitigated is much better then healing up taken damage.

In any difficult content, you’re going to get slapped around without mitigation, which was pally’s crux for most of BfA.

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And it was removed by Blizzard. Even they knew it was bad.

“Finally, we’re addressing gameplay restrictions caused by Holy Power—in which players often feel forced to use abilities in specific orders or ratios—by removing it in favor of making Mana the primary resource.”


They didn’t make Mana a primary resource, though. They just removed Holy Power and put everything on cooldowns. You only cared about Mana if you were Holy, or using utilities.

And now, with how Holy Power currently functions (for Prot and Ret, at least), you generally have enough of an HP economy to make decisions simply giving things cooldowns removed certain internal interactions as Prot.

I’m not saying you have to like HP, but the person I replied to was halfway implying Holy Power never existed.


no point in trying to reason with people like that, I don’t hardcore play but being able to bank an instant cast heal is very nice for Holy & our issues is not holy power but the fact that Consecration needs to heal & generate holy power for holy along with crusader strike’s mana needs to get a drastic mana reduction because it cost almost 20times that of other healing classes dmg abilities. But similar to how much people hate the melee healer playstyle of Holy pally, some people just lack the skills to multi-task so they want the class to be dumb down so much that you dont need to do much to play so they dont want to have to manage holy power.

but they do need to fix holy in pvp to actually be able to be a melee healer, like maybe making consecrate also play a bigger part for holy; Consecration gives 1 holy power & does a dot or hot if a person moves out of it’s radius along with it also healing & if some1 is in consecrate, any heal done to them with an ability that doesn’t alrdy give holy power generates 1 holy power. and give holy an ability similar to stagger since they have to be close to their allies to heal more effectively & make self-less healer baseline for holy but affecting holy light instead of flash

as for prot, its so much more fun to play than the bfa version.