Okay, keep rubbing salt in the wound, why don’t you? Keep bringing up more reasons modern paladin feels worse than it used to. Remember when our defensive ability protected against magic damage? Remember when our healing was off-GCD? I remember. And when you say “old paladin” why are you only specifically comparing with BfA? We can go back a lot farther than that and find stuff like judging with Seal of Light for healing that was baked into our damage abilities. There were some times in the past when prot felt pretty great, but BfA wasn’t one of them.
Anyway, congrats. You found the one niche case where our two spenders don’t compete with each other because SotR is literally useless in that one encounter, despite it being essential in every other encounter. And maybe I can’t speak for every paladin, but my favorite thing about the class is when my defenses are keeping me safe so I don’t need to heal, and I can throw that resource around the raid to patch up other members who get low. Being able to use both abilities at the same time is a good thing.