What the H@(l is this stupid@$$ Holy-Power-Combo-Point-Bull$#*t?!?!? I ain’t no d@m^ Rogue!
What’d’ya mean I gotta count to 5 before I can use my shield?! I ain’t the d@m^ Countin’ Vampire from “Sesame Street”!!!
I have mained a Pally Tank since The Burning Crusade, I have seen a LOT of things come and go and change and one thing I never wanted to ever see again was the glowing bull$#*t under my mana bar! I gotta worry about holdin’ aggro and keepin’ my healers outta danger, not doin’ a bloody review of my first pre-school math lesson!
Get this crap out of my class and keep it to the kinky-leather-wearin’ flippers, shifters, and dancers where it belongs! And even one of them don’t want it! Just ask the Blind-Green-eyed-tattooed-b@$(@r%s yourself!
-Sincerely signed,
-An Old Pally Tanking Codger.
Prot Paladin changes will not be rolled back. Holy Power is a huge improvement for prot. Check out my brief guide in this forum. You may like what you see.
Am I allowed to link my own thread here?
I think a link is better than reposting it. I am seeing the same prot freakout posts over and over again. Everyone wants change but no one likes change.
Well written but I disagree…Holy Power Prot is an improvement on BFA.
I’ll be the first to admit I giggled and laughed evilly while reading OPs post.
Please post more Arkean you are a breath of fresh air in this dirty laundry basket of a class forum.
The things we do for the classes we love. I bet youre an awesome tank that does your parties justice ( get it?) , dont despair I believe in you .
I think that is what I said?
Wow, there’s someone who hates HP more than me. That’s good to know.
I can most assuredly proclaim that I will certainly put forth my best effort to satisfy you desire for proper expressions of thought.
I thank you mam for the compliment and wish you a pleasant day.
Hehe, agreed! Beautifully written post, OP!
In general I agree, I’m not a fan of the new Holy Power system. It feels more convoluted than it needs to be…
But I also agree with Blackweb (check out his thread, it’s solid), at the very least the Holy Power system under Prot isn’t complete garbage. I’m slowly but surely getting used to it and it seems to function decently.
Still not a fan of how it flows and sometimes I still get confused that I can’t heal and defend at the same time, but so it goes I guess, lol
If you take holy avenger prot can basically heal and tank at the same time. Granted it’s a 3 min cooldown, but you’re basically nigh unkillable for it. It feels straight OP in pvp at the moment to be able to output that much healing.
Man am I out of the loop! I thought Prot used Holy power in BFA lol. I just made a Pally the day the prepatch came out
Holy power for prot is an improvement.
This is your opinion. This same statement was said when holy power was in prot before and guess what it was removed…And I hope it is removed from the whole class.
Holy power is dope.
I thought it was jank on the beta but playing it on the prepatch is much much better than what we had. Being able to double WoG feels like Legion prot with the legiondairy hat.
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Bruh you were ilvl 443 when prepatch went live. You werent tanking anything anyway.
Prot def improved with holy power. Wish I could say the same about holy paladin and the stupid mana cost on CS they forced upon us for our glorious free heals. Wish they’d make up their mind on if we’re melee or ranged healers. Not sure how much incompetence they need to show before they make a decision.
this is actually the opinion of pretty much all of the top raiding community, streamers, testers, guides. the class plays way better and is miles better performance wise. if you cant manage one very simple resource system please don’t go try BDK, maybe good old 2 button bear tank is what some of you guys should be playing.
Prot without Holy Power = Mana Tank LOL!
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What the H@(l is this stupid@$$ Holy-Power-Combo-Point-Bull$#*t?!?!? I ain’t no d@m^ Rogue!
What’d’ya mean I gotta count to 5 before I can use my shield?! I ain’t the d@m^ Countin’ Vampire from “Sesame Street”!!!
I have mained a Pally Tank since The Burning Crusade, I have seen a LOT of things come and go and change and one thing I never wanted to ever see again was the glowing bull$#*t under my mana bar! I gotta worry about holdin’ aggro and keepin’ my healers outta danger, not doin’ a bloody review of my first pre-school math lesson!
Get this crap out of my class and keep it to the kinky-leather-wearin’ flippers, shifters, and dancers where it belongs! And even one of them don’t want it! Just ask the Blind-Green-eyed-tattooed-b@$(@r%s yourself!
-Sincerely signed,
-An Old Pally Tanking Codger.
They could have improved Prot without Holy Power. I’m not a fan of Holy Power and didn’t like it back in MoP either.