Its not being able to manage its that i hate holy power. And i refuses to play paladins while it is infecting the class.
I’ve been desperately trying to figure out how to holy heal So I’m going prot warrior + holy priest for SL instead of paladin. I am sad face ; ;
Oh it’s funny that you say that because us rogues are mad they turned our combo points into bs holy power that’s just always there. Funny how this works both ways.
I’m fine with Holy Power. It doesn’t really feel like rogue combo points because it generates quickly and doesn’t have energy as a restriction.
Have you played the spec lately? It’s buttery smooth and SoTR uptime is 100%. It feels way better then BfA.
There’s no way you expected this to be taken seriously when you typed it out and put it on the internet
Um…maybe people don’t like change here because the change Sucks?
I don’t mind changing a class here and there but the constant redesign of the fundamental playstyles is a failure of the design team. They are doing it with a lot of classes and none of the changes are good. This is essentially a revert to a previous expansion version of Paladin rather than any changes for a better player experience.
What I am tired of seeing is people defending this garbage instead of realizing how much the class design needs work. Holy Power felt like crap when they first put it in the game way back in Cataclysm and it still feels like crap now to basically everyone who played a paladin as a main since vanilla. They are using it as a crutch the same way they are using the GCD changes as one. It’s all about their class balance being terrible. They are using these things to slow down gameplay and use it as a limiter to throttle ability usage and make things even for competitive PVE content and I’m sick of it. It all goes back to the problem with the devs right now wanting to control how people play rather than letting us just play a fun game. We are seeing it with class design, conduits, covenant abilities and swapping covenants and it’s absolutely absurd to have to deal with just because Blizzard wants to have Mythic+ tournaments.
You do not speak for all Paladins, only for yourself. I like the redesigned Paladin class very much. I hated the BFA Paladin.
Let’s not go back to the days of Prot Paladin = Mana Tank LOL!
Its more of pallys who never play a Rogue and think having a point base builder spender system means its combo points; when Holy Power was a system on building point on yourself and it stays on your while combo points is building points on the enemy & it goes away once that enemy dies. Then they gave Rogue Holy Power, and not that pally got combo points.
So we go back to the days where Blizzard throttles everything we do with another system overlayed on top of our existing system just for a competitive scene? Did you not play when they were destroying classes just for PVP and eventually just disconnected PVE and PVP?
This isn’t an Xzibit meme. Yo I heard you like convoluted systems so we put systems in your systems so you can interact with a system while interacting with a system!
Stop defending their garbage design choices. This is how we ended up with the all the crap they are doing now.
Venting in this forum may make you feel better but its too late to influence significant changes to the design of the SL Prot Paladin spec. Is there something specific that you dont like about the base SL prot Paladin spec? What would you suggest to fix it?
I have a few bones to pick with the now current Prot Paladin spec. I think that the base Prot spec is sound but…
- The prot spec like many specs is too dependent on Covenant Conduits.
- Prot glyphs used to allow Prot players to customize prot in terms of things like mitigation etc. Now prot glyphs like most glyphs are little more than window dressing.
- Prot like most specs is too dependent on xpac and and content-specific unlocks which we will not take with us into the next xpac.
- Base Level 60 Prot mitigation is just too weak. Get conduits or get crushed.
It is clear that Blizzard wants Paladin players to participate in every aspect of PvE:
- Covenant Campaign (World PvE and Covenant gear, Conduits and unlocks)
- Covenant Renown (rewards, unlocks, crafting)
- Daily and World Quests (in SL, daily and world quests are separate)
- Dungeons (gear, campaign, unlocks)
- Torgast (pve currency, legendary crafting mats)
- Raids(at least Raid Finder)
- Transmogs, pets and mounts.
I havent done much PvP yet in SL Beta.
My biggest complaint is the fundamental class design.
Holy power makes no sense at all. It’s an RNG power source due to Avenger’s Shield and Divine Purpose procs. Since you’re just generating Holy Power anyway and then using it as it’s available or every 4.5 seconds(if you’re lucky) it’s a hamster wheel interaction so it’s essentially a meaningless inconsistent loop.
I don’t have problems with changes that actually matter or are positive for a game, but Holy power has never been that kind of a change and while I can understand its existence in some forms it doesn’t need to be in the game at all for prot paladins in its current form. It’s just a meaningless resource they threw onto paladins to stop them from healing themselves without a trade-off which was kinda part of the class fantasy in the first place.
Ask yourself this… What really changed when they added Holy Power back in for Prot in comparison to what you had in your kit from BFA?
Nothing except limiting when you can use the exact same abilities you had before. Word of Glory functions essentially exactly the same as our previous heal it just costs holy power to stop us from using it on cooldown and instead transferred it over to a free cast every five Shield of the Righteous.
So why does Holy Power need to exist AT ALL?
Did you play a Paladin at any point between Cataclysm and WoD? Like, at all?
Because this was a thing for 3 expansions.
Prot can heal for significantly more faster with certain talent setups. For example if you’re kiting you can forgo use of shield of the righteous to throw all your HP into healing, something you were unable to do in BFA. Similarly if you’re off-tanking in a raid, or it’s an intermission phase you can now transfer all that HP into healing instead of mitigation.
Also with holy avenger amping HP generation, it can act as a tank cooldown giving you the ability to ShoR and WoG almost every other gcd. Generator>Shor>Generator>WoG etc etc
If you don’t like the feel of if that’s ok, but don’t go around saying the change limits your capabilities because it vastly opened them up.
So what of any of that requires Holy Power to exist that couldn’t be done with cooldowns?
I rolled this toon in early 2005.
I didn’t quote or reference you…?
Because you can spam heals when you don’t need mitigation.
In BFA, I had the Hand of the Protector talent and other talents that helped to reduce the cool down and I used it every time it was up, not just every once in a while, so I had plenty of times I was doing a defensive action and healing, not just choosing either or. This helped to allow the heals to DPS more or even shore up a lacking healer.
But, as much as I still don’t like Holy Power, I understand why Blizzard did it. Every other tanking class has to build up in some way for their major defensive, such as a Warrior needing to build up Rage to Shield Block and a DK needing Runic Power for Death Strike. I just hope that a silence doesn’t stop us from using our HP generating abilities.