I’ve beaten all 36 Mage towers

Who said you need to do it on 12 classes? You’re a bit extreme. It’s technically here forever, just twice a year.

You people need to calm down

Hey you are the one who said we have 2 weeks, I’m just reminding you that what they have given us is almost impossible. There will be only a handful of players total to have completed this again on all 36 specs.

Twice a year? Closer to three times a year, but even that being up for a week at a time, you know how ridiculous that sounds right?

I have less than 2 weeks to somehow figure out where I am going to get the additional damage to somehow nuke the P2 boss for 25K health over the course of the fight, and if I cannot figure that out than what? I get to come back in 18 weeks to try again. That’s some garbage design right there.


They’ve already announced they’re merging them.


Not everyone wants to play as sweatily as you.

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I keep seeing people talk about how people are complaining about using old gear for content even after we have been asking for it for years. We are asking to be able to farm older sets that are scaled to current content. Stop trying to to point out flaws that dont exist.

Nobody said you have too :joy: plenty of level 51 players have killed the bosses.

It’s a skill thing, not a gear thing

Gear makes it marginally easier easier, not a lot.

Sure it’s a skill thing, but the question is, do you only want the rewards and satisfaction of completing it available to the most skilled players in the game?

Why are people so mad at this? Besides the frustrating difficulty, the facts are:

  • they blindsided us with the changes from PTR to live

  • this is only a 2 week FOMO event. Combined with the lack of content in the game right now, this decision leaves a bad taste in players mouths.

  • the druid bear form reward is the only way to get a werebear form in the game now. And druids want to have more forms so they can enjoy the game more.

  • For casual minded players, the rewards (besides druid form) hardly seem worth the effort. The transmogs (recolors) are mostly only desired by skilled players who want to show off their epeen to complete strangers.


All people who have beaten it so far:
Used timewalking-setup gear (Sockets galore, GG rng on getting the drops, or spend loads of gold, or farm mats… all time consuming)
Had BiS trinkets (RNG :slight_smile: )
Used tonnes of consumables (Extremely expensive and/or time-consuming to farm.)

I did 36/36 back in the days, and this “challenge” has given me a migrain cause it’s not balanced whatsoever.
It’s so overtuned and you need such a niche setup to do it…
All that require LOADS of gold (or IRL cash via token), LOADS of RNG luck, and / Or loads of time to farm it (aka spending gametime).

I looked forward to MT ---- now, as I said; Migrain.
This is idiotic.


Surely when everyone is scaled to the same ilvl this becomes a skill check?
If I can do more damage than you at the same ilvl I’m just better.

I agree it’s over tuned, just not with that line of thinking.

No, because some classes is easy and others its a matter of “you blink, you die”, or RNG spawn = GG thats bad…

I actually never realized that. Is mage tower the only thing you can’t buy runs for? lol.

Stat priorities are different at that lvl. And item budgets are not equal. So if they tuned around people having timewalking sets in the ptr then it would be harder for people who don’t do that.

As even in game now you can have the same item lvl at current ilvls and someone with bis stats will do more damage then one who doesn’t. That’s just always been the case. The Sim community often does this for the general community to follow. So timewalking lvls have there own stat priorities, there own priorities, and different bis then what we have on raids/mythic plus. The solo nature of this also boosts value in gear that boost survivability as well, so normal trinkets that don’t do so much dps but increase survivability and stats like leech make for more valuable things to want for solo activity.

What changed were these? Literally the same as I tested in ptr. It was always advertised as a time walking event. Time walking always lasts 2 weeks, what made you think anything different?

That Druid bear form is a show of skill for a player. It’s an awesome skin that people should earn. If they are going to add new models, make them like the artifact appearance (armoured bear, thorny bear ect)

If casual players don’t want it, they don’t need to do it? What’s that argument? If someone wants it they’ll get it. There’s only one/two boss fights depending on spec that’re over tuned. These overtuned fights are being nerfed.

All of the fights are doable btw, plenty of players have cleared the fights.

They literally buffed hp and dmg by a load… how can you say its the same?
It’s not. Whatsoever.


Also, the players who have cleared it have had BiS rng-gear.
Aka; Luck = GG you get it.
It’s not a skill thing.

What no :joy: I’ve seen leave 51-53 people clear it,

I’ve seen lfr geared people clear the bosses. On different specs

What are you talking about bis gear hahaha

No. It’s working as intended. And you can make alts to cover professions. My priest’s timewalking set cost 300g, minus the trinket - which took me a grand total of 10 minutes to farm the materials for.

I made two sets using a combination of professions on my alts,. running Dragon Soul for a couple weeks, and filling the slots I didn’t get drops from with gems that costed me 300g a pop.

Not so friendly reminder that the economy is an end game of it’s own.
If you didn’t prepare, you didn’t prepare.

Those drums that are 900g a pop take me like 20 minutes to farm a set of to last me an hour.

You people are just lazy and refuse to do basic RPG stuff in an RPG and then blame it on people who actually know what demand is, and got the supply.
It doesn’t take “days” to farm this stuff, unless you’re wanting the absolute best you can possibly get - which you don’t need - or you didn’t touch professions at all prior, in which case tough luck. That’s your own fault.

Also, it has never costed me 100k to level a profession to max outside Shadowlands, and you don’t need Shadowlands crafting for this.


Preach it. People want everything for free.

People were saying that the mobs HP was increased a lot. And possibly other stuff I’m not remembering.

The form shouldn’t be exclusive to the top percentile of players IMO. I tried to get it earlier today on my druid and just don’t think I have what it takes to get the form. Unless some big nerfs are coming, I don’t think I’ll try anymore and just let my game time lapse.

Some of us really care about cosmetics and making a form exclusive for only the best players sucks too much. I would be fine if there was another (easier) way to get the form with another recolor.

As for the transmogs…

The argument is that the carrot (the “new” transmogs) is too small in comparison to the giant stick of difficulty that Blizzard is smacking us all with.

Only if they are skilled enough. And since the transmogs are just recolors anyway, I’m ok with that. I only tried the guardian challenge so far and can’t comment on the rest.

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You have seen fury warriors do it yeah.
Its not doable without certain trinkets or gear setup as example Bear.
You have no idea.

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