I’ve beaten all 36 Mage towers

Talk about turning a game into a job. I can only imagine how many hours this took.

Go you, I guess

Agreed. I’m already up 1.5 million gold by buying out all the needed consumables and reselling them at insane prices.

Good good good for us goblins.

As someone who has 30/36 appearances from the Legion Mage Tower. This variant of the system with zero borrowed powers only goes to show every flaw in the developers core class design.

In Legion we had the artifact weapon tree, two legendaries and the Netherlight Crucible System, Sylvan Elixirs, Fighter Chow, Drums with 25% haste instead of the now 15% at all on which we relied on. And none work.

Since the invention of the Timewalking system, borrowed power that was relevant or tied to that expansion has worked throughout that expansions dungeons and raids (eg: Warglaives, Val’anyr, Shadowmourne, Pandaria Cloaks, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, WoD Rings, Azerite traits) and ZERO of that borrowed power system has been brought into Legion timewalking.


Honestly, even as they’ve admitted they made a mistake…I wouldn’t mind if they did keep an actual ultra hard mode with some tangible reward attached to it. Exceedingly near impossible content can be very fun to grind for some and as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody, why not :slight_smile: call it hardmode and attach a title or something or a leaderboard to it

already said this in a number of threads but ill say it again, certain classes are just overtuned af.

fire mage, did it first go with zero consums/enchants/in my SL gear.

sub rogue i had to spend prob around 50k in consums/enchants and farm old content for some trinkets/socketed gear to be able to do the dps check in the final phase. literally a consum/trinket are doing like 15-22% of my total damage. its a literal joke.

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So in other words you want a wildstar fiasco.

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Not quite. If you attach a leaderboard the only people that would care at all are people that feel they need to be on that leaderboard. Since it’s a completely artificial reward, this means majority could just say no to it and not bother since it doesn’t tangibly define anything.

What I want is more like what Challenge Modes used to be in WoD and MoP, except without any actual exclusive transmog or mounts attached. Just the leaderboard. That will let the tryhards do them while the rest of the bunch can just ignore it and do whatever normal mode of the MT would be for the actual tangible reward and then move on.

This is blizzard we’re talking about here. They’ll find a way to attach it to something that only the tryhards could possibly pull off and put the rest of us in a position to either pay for runs, which can’t be done in mt anyway or be screwed over.

The proving grounds nonsense for queueing for random 5 mans was bad enough from what I heard. Last thing we need is blizzard doing that but 10 times worse.

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Oh I didn’t need to be reminded. It was obvious back in 7.3. Torghast is a reminder. Normal raid is a reminder.

I’m still trying to get gold in the Panda training. I like to think I know my rotation and responses, but in reality I’m mashing buttons knowing full well they’re on CD or short on runic power.

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Not disputing that. I think blizzard fails at basically every idea I’ve proposed so far. Keep that in mind. They just actually don’t have a clue.

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Ya that makes sense…

Your achievements say differently

No, it does not… You know what does though, saving up 100k gold to purchase those 20 gems (5k/piece), chants another 10-15k piece, and Drums for 900/piece *(that usually go for 25 gold). & 10s of thousands worth of repairs.

Or, if you don’t want to buy that, cancel your existing profession you spent the entire time leveling up in Shadowlands, pick up Jwlcrafting, and either spend days farming enough materials/daily quests to even be able to craft them, or spend same 100k gold on mats from AH to level it up.

So yes, it’s a bad system


I mean its an ok idea on paper but given how this expac was designed, its probably not the best time honestly. Especially since this expac has caused the majority to never see the raids outside lfr and the dungeons outside normal or heroic. As well as a massive drop in players.

Yea. I’ve always advocated that if they want to really fix the game, there’s a bare bone design change that needs to happen before any of these tertiary ideas. The whole actual progression system needs an overhaul of sorts to where there is some degree of consistency instead of rng with cutscene rewards. Additionally, it would be smart to pay attention to just how popular instanced content has become.

As much fun as the old grindy days of vanilla, TBC or any of those expacs were; that just isn’t what the modern gamer wants to make time for. People have long since started treating gear and power upgrades as tools they can use rather than the journey. The journey these days that people want is more in line with being able to improve with how they use these tools.

Granted…I don’t think Blizzard even really regards any of this as relevant info.


On my old account I started during tbc so gear was the least of my worries, same with raiding. I was new to mmos at the time too so I just played however I wanted. That mindset has followed me to this day. Play how I want.

While for alot instanced content is very popular, world content should also be added. Most of the world especially in shadowlands feels baren.

While I enjoy sitting in Elysian hold and chuckling at people who stop to see the unholy dk sitting in the kyrian covenant sanctum lol. I just wish I had more reason besides conducter stuff and korthia stuff to journey around the shadowlands more like how I do in other expacs.

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Its a lot different lol, Mage tower was designed as a challenge mode. Legacy raids were not designed to be a challenge mode.

Not true, I beat it within around the same amount of time I did back in Legion :slight_smile:

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2 weeks to get gear for 12 classes and min/max for 36 specs with the RNG we have, fat chance. Sure, we had months to plan, but no one and I mean no one in their right mind would have ever though it would be this bad.

Yes we want hard content, but what we want is forgiving content. One wrong move and your dead, no recovery, no chance to get back on track, just, dead. That’s not hard, that’s just stupid.

Like just now I used a spell 0.2 seconds before the Nether Storm went off and by the time my GCD was back up again to use my AOE stun I was already dead. That’s what, 1 second?

Just the truth bud, sorry if it bruised your ego