I’ve beaten all 36 Mage towers

point out an ability designed around one of the legion legendaries.
What i mean is there has to be clear design that the fight is not meant to be beaten without said legendary.

Yup its badly overtuned.

So for some dumb reason having a battle pet out causes Agatha to despawn but thats not the biggest issue.

She hits like a freaking truck and I have to constantly deal with an army of imps who hit just as hard while trying to deal with bigger imps that empower her.

Screw that, it isn’t worth the headache.

Well thats just moving the goalpost. The fights can be designed around a legendary without being unbeatable without it. Luffa is one.

Edit; I’m old and can’t quote properly on here

I hope thats not the hill you stand on. Asking people to get under ilvled items, going to MULTIPLE xpacs to get socketed gear, using broken enchants on lower items, cheesing encounters with items from other expansions. I can’t see how thats defendable in anyway.

How can you call something a challenge when its not even the current Xpac (Shadowlands) or the xpac in question (Legion) that you necessarily need the gear from? Why am I going to BFA, MoP, even Cata for gear options? That is inherently wrong.

That is not laziness, thats a broken system. I am not going to abide by a broken system. If you wish to go get these items by all means continue to do so and encourage that in a game, when the most ironic part of all is Blizzard routinely nerfs these types of items in their current content encounters but for some reason want you to do this in their timewalking challenge variant.


How is that moving the goalpost? they said it was designed AROUND those legendaries. The fight was not designed around luffa, luffa avoids the intended design of the fight. A puddle that puts a stacking debuff on you that expires in about 7 seconds is not something you’re supposed to just never touch. if the fight was designed around luffa, the black pool would just insta kill you.

Lets just ignore that the black pool is intentionally larger for guardians

This, this right here is copium.

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Well the mage tower is clearly getting nerf. Guess I’m not trying tonight and will wait abit. Time to play Hearthstone. Also, I have all 36 challenges done. I wish Blizzard had an added a title for it.

To counter the talent ability that gives bonus range? or that bears have moonfire, a very consistent ranged ability?

balance affinity outranges the zone. luffa by itself didn’t.

To the people who are defending Blizzard’s mistake in tuning it properly: They’ve literally just said “Yeah we screwed it up and some of it is harder than intended and we’re going to tweak it”.



You need both luffa and balance aff to outrange the zone, balance aff on its own was not enough.

Justice prevails

Sky is Falling aside, I’m hoping bringing this back means we’ll get to see similar content crop up down the road without the timewalking antics and (hopefully) exclusivity.

No you didn’t lmao

You can outrange his zone currently with +3 range balance affinity, in legion it was +5.


So what’s it feel like to be so confidently wrong?

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Well said.

i’m still not sure what your point is. how was the mechanic designed around luffa?