I’ve beaten all 36 Mage towers

Lmao you’re really obsessed over this my dude, the point is I’ve done all 36’ pretty sure my idea of what it should feel like is right


Your entire argument is built on a lie, so your argument means nothing. This is common sense.


Lol it’s not a lie, I’ve already explained how the achievement works it’s not my fault if you can’t read


I wish I could like OP’s post a million times.
I beat the mage tower on 3 tanks (monk, dk, DH) during 7.2 when this was released with a mix of normal and some heroic ToS gear.
We also had 1 legendary and the artifact weapon.

I think there are a few issues.

  1. Wanting it in line with the original challenge does not equal nerf it to the ground.

  2. As someone who did the original I will say I could not care less if every person in the game gets that new set. This is timewalking content.

I get the forms are where the wow 1% players come to call people bad so they can get their self esteem but this is not just bad players wanting handouts.

This is 4 year old content thats harder than it was 4 years ago and also harder than ANYTHING in the current game.

They marketed this content to the casuals. I don’t blame people for being pissed.

They didn’t test this almost at all and then shadow buffed it with ZERO testing.

It’s drastically different for different specs and classes.

A bad system if you make current content that you need to farm gear from past xpacs because you need to cheese it and stuff it full of current game gems.

For the people telling you to farm old content for gear from old xpacs, this is why wow is dying.

This is just a toxic response not even addressing the OPs points.

Just cause someone somewhere killed it doesn’t mean its correctly tuned for what the content is.

They know damn well they plastered MAGE TOWER on every marketing thing they had out. This content was done by very few back in the day even at the end. Now most of the people saying its too hard are people who killed it before and 1% of those people are clearing this now.
So did they intend this feature for that few people for a recolor of old normal mode sets. They didnt even use the mythic model for a lot of these.


This right here is the real issue that’s getting glossed over again by complaints about the tuning. Mage Tower is not a modern challenge. It’s a rehash that they are purporting to frame as a modern challenge. The real issue is that we got a rehash instead of getting some new and more modern content. We haven’t gotten any of that in ages.

For a rehash of content though it makes sense for them to allow for some degree of cheese (Ok let’s be real they don’t plan for cheese at all the devs are that bad). I would agree with you on it being dumb to tune it around such obsolete gear IFF the rewards were any kind of relevant. They’re really not.

I dont know where you got this idea that min maxing is the purpose of an mmo or that grinding for gear is how you have fun but thats completely false and subjective.

You may find min maxing and grinding fun but thats not a universal truth to every player.


Im simply giving you a way to get around your problem, just because youre being stubborn and not listening to the solution doesn’t mean that theres a problem with the content. You can complain that you wish you didn’t have to get gear from past expansions to complete this all you want, go ahead…but don’t say this isnt properly tuned when its pretty clear that it was designed with the intent to use items from past expansions when they designed it to scale. If they didn’t want this, they would’ve tuned it around our max level characters in Shadowlands gear, without any ability for any of it to scale at all.

Actually that’s a good correction. It’s the primary purpose of an RPG not an mmo. Thank you for the correction :slight_smile:

Nope. I did it on my resto druid when it was easy mode, too. Not how the achievement works, not anything you did, just more lying.

I’ve given it a dozen or so attempts so far… It’s extremely tough. Tougher than it was in Legion by a lot. I’ll keep trying, but given that I’ve yet to get either boss below 75%, I have doubts I can complete it.

It’s almost like Blizzrd is trying to force us to raid, just like they have this entire expansion, by making old content harder than it was pre-nerf. I am convinced the crappy scaling on old raids is designed to force you get top end gear.

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You don’t get the achievement untill you finish all 36 like I said I did all of them at release except one class because I had to level and gear it from scratch so I put it off. One class doesn’t negate all my others I did lol

Old content being tuned to modern standards still presents a modern challenge. It is silly that I get an advantage over others for killing Garrosh a lot in MoP.


You are right, but when it comes to a challenge mode in a game, min/max always has a part to play in it.

And to add to it, it may be the primary driving motive of an RPG and by extension of an mmorpg…but is definitely not the motivating factor of WoW as it is now.

I am aware that WoW hasn’t played like a traditional MMORPG in a very long time. Currently what people enjoy much more is being able to do the instanced aspect of the game with friends or even with randoms in team and group based forms.

In that sense progression, gear, even most grinds are the appetizer that you tolerate in order to access the main attraction: the instanced content. It’s why mythic+ is as popular as it is.

Someone tell the wow devs this stuff :smiley:

Mix maxing skill not old gear no longer relevant to the game sure

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Timewalking content requiring legacy gear is an absurd notion. Just balance it around gems not working and 95% of that instantly goes away.

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the bear druid one feels the same to me.

seems relevant right now to me.

Yet the old gear is relevant to the game…right here in the time walking mage tower. Why are you so stubborn to accept that? Its relevant right now, as we speak, in time walking mage tower. This isn’t an argument, its a fact.

This is old content no different than legacy raids. I shouldn’t have to min max like some tryhard just to do old content.