Join any class discord You will get a lot of info on how to beat it, and youll see all of the people saying they’ve already completed it! Once you see the stuff that others have used to beat it, you will realize that its not nearly as hard as youre thinking it is.
It’s crap. I logged in specifically to try it out. Some of them are doable and some arent. Being killed by unavoidable melee damage and unavoidable spam casts is not acceptable game design when boss health pools are so large. The failures because of bugs are fun too. TBH it’s what I expected, this wouldn’t be well tested out finished product from the get go.
Because it should be doable by an average player without any cheesing. And those cheesing bugs all should be fixed as well.
Lol you didn’t prepare your self you cheesed it with overpowered past times that are Not scaling correctly
Your achievement says otherwise. The encounters might be overtuned and need adjustment, but blatantly lying about doing them day one isn’t helping your case.
Theyre not bugs though lol. Why would you assume they’re bugs? Theyre working exactly as they’re intended, just do a bit of research on what different items/enchants provide.
It shouldnt be doable by any average player walking in with average gear, and no enchants/consumables. Its a challenge mode, put a bit of effort into it… lol
I don’t think anything as I said I don’t really even plan on doing it. I don’t think the current tuning was a great idea based on the way the current playerbase plays for their own marketing and continuity purposes…but I also don’t think it was a bad idea. I have iterated in several of these forum posts: Having something be this challenging and requiring this much extra prep is a good thing; time gating to this degree is not. I’m with Thallia in that it should be up every time walking or once every two weeks or something like that.
Thats not true, they are scaling properly. I prepared myself by getting the things that work best for what Im trying to accomplish, you’d have to be insane to not give yourself the best chance of success. Youre just being stubborn if you arent.
Its not a challenge mode. Its a limited time timewalking event for ppl to have fun and get some mogs. It should be very easy to complete by nearly anyone with any gear.
Mage tower is a challenge mode You are incorrect!
Agreed. This is old content designed with legions borrowed power systems and we can’t even use the current borrowed power in it, couple that with overtuning and its bad all around
Lmao you just admitted that your dps Almost doubled going from current WoW gear to old gear no one uses anymore. It was time walking event that is suppose to scale all levels and gear to the same. So it’s just as much of a challenge anyone. The fact that your admitting old gear gave you an advantage is proof that the scaling and tuning is wrong. Blizzard released the mage tower as time walking to be scaled so all players could participate. They didn’t say he all we tuned and scaled this for gear from 5-10 years ago lmao.
I never said it should only be up during Legion timewalking I actually said in another post they should keep it up 100% of the time
Also to put it out there. So what if it isn’t accomplishable with current average joe gear. So what if it needs special gear and pieces and pots and whatever to really min max it. Min maxing is the fun of and purpose of an mmo. Grinding to get to your max is what generates that fun.
The thing that gets forgotten in all of this is that Blizzard has actually been super considerate in at least one aspect of this: the rewards this time around are utter garbage. The only reward even worth considering is the actual mount for doing all 7 which tbh, I would want immensely…but also feel is ok to actually have stick behind this because doing all 7 is that much of a chore. If you leave out that reward tho, the other transmog is just not that impressive other than the bear one by being a reskin of an old mog.
This could have been far worse if they’d tied more tangible rewards to it. They did not. Which renders the content as completely optional in so far as completion is concerned.
The problems is we got 2 weeks to do this. If it was up all the time it would be better, no rush. Just do it when you want.
Idk about 100% of the time someone else brought up a really solid point that if they do things like this 100% of the time there’d be an initial furor and then desire for it would die down and it would go unplayed which…is pretty realistically what happens
but otoh I think in legion it was every alternate week or so that we built the mage tower up
Either that or every time walking week wouldn’t be too bad
It would be up often enough that if people wanted to take a stab at it they could or if people wanted to prep for it…there’d be less of a “I need to do this RIGHT MEOW” urgency to it xD
But the tuning isnt wrong. Its time walking content that works best with gear from time walking content. How is that a problem? Its tuned properly if people are completing it with time walking gear. If you refuse to get the proper gear for it then thats your own problem!
“I did every single Mage Tower possible when it first released.”
Achievement dated several months after 7.3 Argus release. Seems legit.
Lol it’s scaled content dude you honestly don’t know what the word scaling means. If it’s advertised as scaled content yet your current gear doesn’t scale for it. Then it is indeed scaled wrong
It is dumb for a modern challenge to be cheesed by obsolete gear and modes, some of which are no longer available. It should be tuned around Shadowlands scaled gear solely, honestly, because farming obscure old stuff is an unreasonable expectation.