I’m going to rage so hard when they let people copy their 60s to TBC realms

I nearly forgot about those

BE’s and Draenai had a chance in actual TBC, where people started day 1 with their 60’s. Stop being a tryhard.

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Honestly NO

So you’re gonna decide for everyone that people have to start over? Eat a salmon. If you ant to start fresh, roll a new level 1 and level to 70. Don’t try to force people that don’t WANT to start over to do so. Selfish absole.


The best thing they can do is that Blizzard releases TBC normally, that is. A server where it is transitioned into TBC and you need to copy your character over to classic if there’s servers for classic still (can assume that there will be).

Whichever way it’s done, goes into TBC and you need to copy your character to a Vanilla server, or it stays Vanilla and you need to transfer over to a TBC server, either way it doesn’t matter both are fine.

What does matter is when people suggest that we should start from scratch.
That we MUST be on an even playing field and start TBC with level 58’s

How does that make any sense? I’ve already stated why starting at level 58 on a fresh server is a bad idea, it’s in this very thread so just look for that if you want to know the main reason of how i think it’s a bad thing (Post 99).

I’ve EARNED my gear, and for people who say that TBC should be fair don’t understand the essence of an MMO. MMO’s aren’t meant to be fair, fairness would make the game so much worse.

Just look at Classic PvP, it’s a game of rock paper scissors, chance.
X beats Z and with skill… X beats Z, unless Z does Y.

Classic is extremely unbalanced and we love it for it, this doesn’t change in TBC.
Some classes are kryptonite to other classes and that isn’t bad game design in my opinion it makes the game better

Why though from a deployment stand point?

Pre=pach just added the new talents so they could find bugs and issues easier. They will have a beta for that. And if they clone servers, to reduce the 10 billion people trying to use a website to transfer, cause if they do it like the PTR gold duping will be insane.

Why leave it sitting on a pre-patch when they can simply drop it at full launch and let people through the gate day 1?

Yes, but why do you assume everything should progress from classic to a hypothetical TBC classic. What if they just want each to be its own museum piece?

They could all just be stand alone expansions with no over lap.

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For most players, this would make the time spent on classic a waste, myself included. IF, and thats a big IF, they make everyone start over for TBC, my classic toons will never be played again. Massive waste of time on my part.

this is the opposite of what happens. I and my friends started playing WoW way back in the day because we logged in to try and and saw players in awesome gear and we thought “wow, we wanna be like that one day”

literally your logic is why retail sucks and everyone gets free epics and nothing matters.

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Imagine first week of TBC, everyone leveling in Hellfire Peninsula, having fun, Wpvping with their Classic characters and you have a bunch of :clown_face: doing Classic content and Classic leveling all over again while we savor cozy TBC. It’ll cause fast burnout on some people knowing they’re doing old content while people play the new expansion.

Yeah, have pre-patch on PTR then release it on Live, does the same thing.
There are items to get, things to do. As a mage i don’t know if this truly is the case but if i can get my portals and teleports in the pre-patch i’d much rather do that then it be when TBC is actually out.

Those places being Theramore and Exodar.

I mean you literally had the option to go to TBC private servers if you had wanted.

I mean they made no promises or anything about anything beyond classic, from the start.

It would be 100% your fault. And if you hate the game this much why wouldn’t you just hit 60 and unsub and wait?

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The amount of people that want to stay on classic is very small, probably less than 2k. Enough for one server, I’d imagine.

Why wouldn’t there be overlap?
Why can’t we have both?
Why can’t we have TBC servers and Classic servers?
Or rather why shouldn’t we?

It’s inevitable that Classic servers and Fresh TBC servers will end up turning into ghost towns (and the :clown_face: shouldn’t be allowed to xfer to bigger servers when this happens) , the majority of the population just won’t give up on their 1year+ progression.

You’ll get over it.

I’ll be starting a BE Pally day 1 regardless.

Funny though that you you just tell me to start a new character and not suggest different server types that we’d both enjoy.

But I’m the shellfish one :crab:

I’m not even arguing that there shouldn’t be. But he’s pushing an agenda to get TBC early with no regard to classic because he hates it but still plays it.

Blizzard promised him nothing, and hes pushing an agenda to try to hurt classic so he can get what he wants.

good, rage, i for one and am taking my titles and sick gear to tbc

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This is honestly what confuses me the most.

TBC was never, and still isn’t, promised.

Were those same people going to play Classic till the day they died as to not “give up” on their ever extending progression time?

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tbc 100% coming, blizz said if classic goes well theyd make tbc, or classic +, everyone vehemently is against classic+ ,so tbc will be announced probably at blizzcon, it would be odd for them to just announce it on a wednesday and its much more anticipated than shadowlands.

so to say that tbc isnt promised, is just a weird argument, its like yea it isnt promised, but its also 100 percent coming out, it holds as much weight as the ol’ “classic is a museum piece” cringe line