I’m going to rage so hard when they let people copy their 60s to TBC realms

I want my tier 3 rogue with thunder Fury to be classic only forever.

Think about it like this

You have done two years of progress on your character and achieved all of your gear when it was current content. That progress should stay on the server that you achieved it on. Burning crusade servers should be fresh 100%.

Not only can you achieve all of the gear in burning crusade when it’s current content but you go through the process of leveling up again and making gold. If we just continue on with classic into TBC on the same server Mages with 100,000 gold wall control the markets and have a huge advantage.

People are just lazy which is why I hate boosting so much by the way

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Private servers didn’t transition between expansions. Apples to oranges.

Naxx gear is way better than leveling greens and I’m sure Scarab Lords would just love to lose their bug mount.

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Yeah except… if you remember, the very first quest greens you get in HFP replace your Naxx gear. This is an invalid argument.

No you dont.
You dont replace Naxx gear until LATE into leveling process.

You replace it by 61, tops. I remember distinctly people being upset about that.

You were not replacing the gear in HFP. Feel free to go look at the quests and say what you are replacing from Naxx with any of the greens in HFP. Perhaps you are remembering that people were and still are generally mad they replace purples ever which is always an argument i see. On the other hand people that did Naxx held most of that gear INTO Kara.


I only resubbed to respond to this, and I know that I will say something that some of you will agree with and the same for disagreeing with.

The short answer is this, no.

The long answer to follow up the answer is this: Blizzard should NOT make TBC new characters only. That wouldn’t be “authentic” in any way shape or form. But blizzard DID add servers for players to play on in addition to the original servers to help spread out the player base for a smooth launch. If anything, blizzard should add new servers along side the copy tbc servers that are TBC only, with the option to transfer to those servers.

If you REALLY want to point the blame on ANYTHING, just look at the mirror. It’s the player base, every thing we have seen has been from the player base, not blizzard. But I will blame blizzard for listening to the player base for one thing, #NoChanges. if they didn’t listen to them, I bet the game would be “better”. But that’s the problem with the after sight from playing.

I also want to point out that no, that naxx gear will carry you to a point in TBC. Sometimes set bonus is just better, but this LARGELY depeneds on how your classes need stats over set bonus.


And I’m gunna rage hard if I have to level again. Waste of time


And if the TBC servers are separate, neither will we. Apples to apples.

Until Nagrand.

They’ll still have their bug mounts on the vanilla servers.

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ppl still keep on repeating this lie like TBC greens were Cata greens or something.

Naxx gear is overtuned for Level 60, and lasts into T4. In fact, BC raid gear had to get buffed because it was undertuned in comparison.


If people were that addicted to wow it wouldn’t have lost millions of subs from the Wrath high of 12 million. Most classic players are players that were not “addicted” and quit wow years ago. The idea that they won’t do it again if blizzard rolls out BC badly is nonsense.

I’m not opposed to either way tbh I just like playing wow.

However I won’t make the same mistake of playing alliance on a pvp server again.

Every server will want blood elf paladins and Draenei shaman. Regardless of wether we copy our 60s, or start with fresh 58s, or everyone starts at level 1. Those races will catch up really really quick because the demand will be insanely high for them.

Brimstone Staff (Item Level 83)
+31 Stamina
+30 Intellect
Equip: Increases your spell hit rating by 16.
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 113.
Equip: Increases your spell critical strike rating by 14.

The Staff of Twin Worlds (Item Level 81)
+21 Stamina
+19 Intellect
+13 Spirit
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 35.

gee, can’t wait to replace my crappy Naxx staff in HFP, only to lose 78 spellpower, hit and crit. But I gain spirit! ooo.


On one hand I’d like to continue my characters from classic into tbc.

On the other I don’t see blizzard not time gating tbc the same way they have classic.

Fresh start, 6 month leveling and tier 4 phase. 6 months for t5. 6 months for t6. Then swp, then wotlk beta.

Depends on the gear, and how decked out someone is in it.

Some pieces easily get replaced by questing and early TBC dungeons.

Yeah, maybe the frost resist pieces. MC/BWL gear gets replaced early. Naxx gear does not. The few that actually were decked out in Tier 3 were wearing it during their T4 progression.

Some pieces, ironically the piece that has the longest life in TBC is going to be TF unless they go with the nerfed version of it.

People need to get past the meme of how things were when the game wwent to its first expansion. SInce most people were ONLY doing MC BWL at that point and not doing Naxx. The gear was replaced.

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Just have both options for people. If ppl want to copy then do it.

My personal experience with tbc was a fresh server. There were no vanilla characters, only fresh tbc toons. And was the most fun I ever had playing wow because of the community.