I’m a GDKP convert

GDKPs are alright. We all know a lot of the gold is swiped, but clearing a raid for 5k-12k payout sure beats farming mobs or herbing or botting the AH.

GDKP has allowed players infinite respecs, consumes, enchants, gems and boe gear, for a simple 3 hours time invested per week. Great deal in my opinion.

Also there are many sweaty gdkps available which will generally clear pretty quickly

Lol the gold buyer got triggered when someone called him a gold buyer.


Finally a gdkp player that admits the gold comes from gold sellers. Other dudes over here claiming all the gold comes from their alt that has sat farming dire maul for 4 years 12 hours a day :joy:


All gold comes from gold sellers then.

Incoming “but i hit gold cap just doing wotlk dailies it’s so easy” post in 3…2…1…


All gold was illegally obtained.

If you have gold you either use a bot or you swiped.

Before I started running GDKP, I did have some ridiculous number of kills of Hearthsinger in undead side strath…over 900.

At about 60g a run, I legit banked 54,000 gold during TBC from that. Pure solo, no boosties or gdkp. I did 7 min runs though so that is 105 hours in strath…lol.

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yea forum trolls are cringe. always the same 3-4 people in gdkp threads lol

people are bidding mimiron’s head to 250k+ in a disc im on. They openly joke about swiping, no one is farming boars to get that kind of gold


You can get full BIS by swiping and doing GDKP.

Anytime there is a system in place to convert real world cast in to in game power… It is P2W.

Funny part is the game is not designed to be this way, but the players created the tools to make it

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I think the only GDKP’s I dislike died out after TBC or moved fully to discord but they were the “buyers AFK at entrance” ones.

As with most things, whatever Blizz inplemented would end up inferior to addons anyway.

Gargul is phenomenal. Its so good that if I see someone running a GDKP without it thats usually a preliminary red flag

Those prices are generally outliers and the vast majority of GDKPs will not see a single item sell above 50k.

There’s plenty of swiping and lots of gold passes through the hands of gold sellers and buyers, but the general prices for most items in GDKPs are well within the realm of being able to be earned legitimately. Of course it doesn’t mean they are all legit, but its not even close to being a clear case of gold buying when people spend normal amounts in GDKPs.

People seem to forget the fact that there is literally millions of gold being generated every week simply through raid and dungeon drops. Its not that crazy to think there could easily be 500k+ legitimate gold within a single 25 man raid.

Then I discovered buywowgoldcheap .com
Now I love gdkp.

Seriously tho…
I think it’s a good system too, it’s Blizzard’s fault they can’t control RMT.
There is always going to be some RMT, but at the moment it’s way to easy, with little to no repercussions.


This logic can also be applied to any enchange of gold that did not come directly to you from a quest completion, loot bag, or an NPC. Do you use the AH? What about trading with players? Congratulations! You have benefitted from and contributed to RMT.

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No it’s not, that would only be the case if that was the only way to get said power.

Which simply isn’t the case in WoW.

Now all the people running GDKP will say “nooo its not like buyers are carried, everyone needs to pull their own weight!” as they go to gold buying website in order to fund their next GDKP as they continue to say on the forums that “they just do wotlk dailies and run strat for 100h bro its easy you are just jealous”.

Poetry, what a sight to behold.

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P2W absolutely used to be considered any level of player power gained through paying money regardless of whether it is obtainable via in game methods.

It is legitimately impressive that companies have successfully shifted the perception that its not P2W so long as you can earn it through other methods.

There was a time when it was a legitimate discussion if cash shops that sold items that were purely cosmetic were P2W and unethical and now here we are where people will defend purchasing in game money with cash as not being P2W lmao.

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P2W, Freemium etc… came about when games started switching to free models with purchases, largely in mobile but it’s starting to infest PC games as well. And the natural direction most of those take is to try to force you to buy stuff because either things are flat not available via in game means or they are so time consuming to get they are effectively not available otherwise.

That is simply not the case in WoW, even if people do RMT. I’ll give you a hint, GDKP’s are killing the same bosses as any one else and they drop the same loot with the same drop rates.

Somebody bought gold today and you know what they won? The same exact piece of gear some dude got for free the first week of release.


Gold is player power. Being able to purchase player power is P2W. Its pretty simple.

That said, illicit gold buying does not make a game P2W, that is just a consequence of any trading system. The only real P2W in WoW Classic is the token with legal cross game transactions. I hesitate to call WoW directly P2W but it does have this element which is officially unregulated.

This is irrelevant to the point. What the gold is used for does not matter for the title of P2W. GDKPs are the obvious target for discussion when it comes to consequences, but it has nothing to do with the concept of WoW being P2W other than being one of many examples that prove quantity of gold is player power.

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