I’m a GDKP convert

Until the next afk alt who just bought another $20 worth of gold outbids you on it again a month later when it finally drops again :joy::joy::joy:

Stop trying to justify your gold buying RL money trade simulator. GDKPs have been the major cause of Botting on this game. It’s a bane on the classic franchise.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the flat earther has entered the chat.

Ladies and gentleman, the gold buyer has entered the chat!


People don’t afk in GDKPs, at least not in my experience. It’s not like selling carries where the buyers literally kill themselves at the start of encounters. They’re much more organized than the average MS>OS/SR run.

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He would know that if he actually understood how GDKPs operate.

Should stick to what he does best, crying for fresh era servers with the other 8 people still playing Era.

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Imagine talking about WoW on a WoW forum.

Also you have 8000 posts :joy:

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I never stated i’m a “gdkp hater”

There’s no points since you can make gold yourself in-game. I mean other than that overpriced mount you can buy, there’s no real gold sink in Wrath.

And here we see someone who apparently defends GDKP’s has no counter arguments and just said it out loud to me, you can make money but let’s be real most people buy gold and then funnel it into GDKP.

Yeah because that doesn’t happen in SR and MS/OS raids right?

Yeah it does happen quite a lot, but paying money for (most of the time) useless drop is even more stupid and there’s no excuse.

Most of you also claim to have tons of gold farmed, if that’s the case why i hear so much about people who bought the gold and sometimes a good portion of guild banned for it? i get it it’s still a minority but it’s slowly becoming a bigger portion.

Blizzard should add GDKP into the game. It would be nice to just click the loot option and have a built in GDKP tool to streamline things.

Yea man I do GDKP just to earn gold as a tank. I wouldn’t have Gold to repair my armor if it wasn’t for GDKP runs haha.

Something ive noticed over the last few years is that since ssc/tk it seems like the only people that activly dislike gdkps are boomers stuck in 2008 and people that cant parse above a 40.

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They assume you buy gold because they themselves suck at making it

Yep of course we are all here to talk about Wow and yes I have over 8k posts over 3.5 years and a grand total of 9 threads (which are 0.1% of my post count) because I’m super picky about the ones I make, whereas you just make whatever threads on a whim including some odd claim to be a “convert”. That’s why your thread-to-post count is 6.65%.

Anyway, again I’m glad you found out that you like running GDKPs and glad that you play for what the majority of the population does with the current Wrath Classic, and therefore so many people that play these days are like-minded to you.

We were all hoping you left.

This ^^^^

He recently found out how to buy gold and suddenly GDKPs are fine.



You know I’m not so absorbed and obsessed with the game that bots and people buying gold effects me.

I don’t care what other people do, I play for my own enjoyment and to meme around with friends. if people want to risk getting their account penalised then gg.

The only thing I bought so far was the Hodir HM 10m staff for 12k, which @ ilvl 245 is cheaper than the 232 crafted items on patch launch, I got a neck too for 6 or 7k - if you don’t have atleast 20k to mess around with then you’re doing something very wrong.

congratulations on participating in rmt laundering.


that’s the bit some are missing.

unless bidding some stupid high amounts, you walk away 5k gold NET profit based on what I hear from this.

lose 4 weeks in a row, you are still up now 20K net gold. to me, that sounds like a very nice consolation prize.

It ain’t that deep, get a grip :joy:

I’d take those people more serious if they can prove 100% without a doubt they have never used the AH.

even if caught there is enough delay some RMT people already bought out 50 items on the AH like mats, boes. Some anti rmt take tainted gold in the AH. but pretend it does’t happen. or…don’t care.

It isn’t the existence of that gold that they are complaining about. Everyone knows that can’t be helped as long as botting is tolerated. Their criticism is against the people who RMT to get gold from sellers. Don’t conflate the argument.