I’m a GDKP convert

The best part about gdkp is you can rock up every week, perform at a high level and be an all round good team player only for some guy who’s never raided with you, is afk the entire night and doesn’t communicate with anyone at all can spend $20 and take an item youve been waiting for for weeks to drop :joy::joy::joy:

100% this guy sells gold.


Can anyone tell me what’s the point of swiping for gear in an expansion where raids are the easiest from all of the xpacs?
Especially people who do stuff like betting on a bow as a warrior for example .


So youre saying youve never been in a gdkp before

Pure buyers are performing better than the bottom of the roster of the majority of casual raids are putting out. So no, they are not afking all night. There is also no telling whether the person who outbid you on that drop youve been waiting weeks to get bought gold or not. If you lost out on that drop, you now have 6-10k more to bid on it next week. As compared to the big ol youre :poop: outta luck you got for free in an ms>os or sr run, depending on if that pug even downed the boss you needed in the first place.

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I can still have an opinion on something without experiencing it first hand though.

My opinion was that they served no purpose.

That opinion has changed.

GDKP just have better players than the ms>os scene and I don’t have to leave my loot acquisition upto chance. If I can afford it or want to spend X of my gold to buy the drop I can.

And I’ll get a nice bit of play money back for the next round.

It’s a win/win

Also I like how it’s 1 night and done, a lot of guilds want to raid 2 nights atleast and I don’t have the ability to do that

We have enough ruthless capitalism in real life. I don’t need it in my video games too.


There’s no points since you can make gold yourself in-game. I mean other than that overpriced mount you can buy, there’s no real gold sink in Wrath.

Yeah because that doesn’t happen in SR and MS/OS raids right?

I love how GDKP haters always expose their ignorance.

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Pug MS/OS with the raid lead HRing the good stuff.

This happens in ms/os too. At least in a gdkp you’ve gotten gold the previous weeks and you can bid him up.

GDKP’s have always been superior, I have been doing them since BWL…

Yet you are ignoring the elephant in the room…


People will sit and tell you how they are unrelated, and the real issue is botting… Yet over and over again I have been in GDKP’S and people openly talk about buying gold…

They are 100% more effective for the individual player. Yet for the overall health of the game… It turns the game in to P2W.

That doesn’t change the fact that it’s the bots generating the gold that is sold. I bet gold is dirt cheap on every server these days, since it seems bots aren’t being banned.

Also you may be getting into a gold seller’s gdkp if you see a lot of gold buying talk.

Nobody is going to deny that there are people that buy gold/sell gold and that they participate in GDKPs. That doesnt make the system flawed, that makes those people flawed. The problem is gold buying and gold selling and Blizzard needs to enforce their policies and permaban those people.

Its not really pay to win when someone who spend 10k on a weapon in ulduar last night got the same exact weapon that someone got for free 5 weeks ago. Nothing you can get in this game is unobtainable if you dont RMT. If WoW is P2W to someone then they have a very, VERY loose definition for P2W.

OK well, then it’s nice for you that you found something that fits what you want out of the game.

You seem to play for what the majority of the people who still play and enjoy the direction Blizzard is going do. Yourself, gear, and gold. So that kind of person is most of what we have left.

Anyway it’s fine it would be more interesting to hear from someone who wasn’t just neutral but curious from the beginning but you seem to make a lot of threads so whatever.

Its also because people that overgear the content have a reason to do it, also there is $ benefit to preforming well, and a tangible downside for being carried along.

When darkmoon cards first came out, I made around 95,000 gold. It may have been dirty gold used by someone to purchase early decks but how to know?

Unfortunately there is no way to know. It just means that Blizzard is going to have to get rid of Inscription now, according to anti gdkpers logic

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Thats all we needed to hear

Can you shut up now so the adults can talk?

Not true but OK…

Sucks to suck?

I made 20,000 without Inscription!! That was just buying decks for DMF rep and selling the cards. According to some dummies logic, I’m on par with people who buy gold because “dirty money was paying for all the listings”. Please. Get over yourselves.

The only slight problem I have with GDKP as a pally is the pre sold Val frags start getting too cheap as other items get DE’d. Pretty soon the Val frags will be one of the few things of value in a clear. They should go up in value as other things go down.

Facts, hit gold cap and never bought gold. Been playing since classic. Dailies and questlines at max level give large amounts of gold. We dungeon grinded in tbc and wotlk until max level then spammed out zones to get thousands of gold (even more with an enchanter). At least 5k at a time, more if you have additional accounts.

Now if others have bought gold and it got mixed with my potion or gdkp hustle? I can’t avoid that… just going to keep doing my own thing and not spend real money on a damn video game (besides the sub).

I made 2k just doing battlegrounds and selling gems from the honor, people complaining about having no gold are literally not playing the game. Just clearing a raid hands you 200g