I’m a GDKP convert

I still don’t get it. You buy gold from someone for real-world money just to buy raid gear you will never use since you are doing GDKPs to get carried. Then wait for the next raid tier to come out so you can spend more money on more raid gear you don’t use. The more people do it, the more real-world money they spend because items get inflated. It’s like a massive pyramid scheme. The top players make gold that they can resell to the lower players.


And yet most BoE’s on the AH go for more than items in GDKP’s :roll_eyes:


Its also a HUGE suprise to see you here adding lots to the conversation (Literally nothing) like always!

I mean the AH is flooded with people selling things to swipers, bots selling things to raiders and a mix of everything in between.

Its like if anyone has gold they automatically bought it which is my issue, not everyone buys gold, im aslo not suggesting no one does.


For sure. Footpads of Silence week 1 of Ulduar was being sold for more than the overwhelming majority of Ulduar items were being bid up to.

I think we are going to have to get rid of Leatherworking now

One of the guildmates has an issue; I assume it’s a compulsion/gambling issue. He does GDKP to gear out his alts. He is constantly waiting for gold order from another guilty from central America who supplies him with gold. I imagine he’s currently spending a couple of hundred dollars a month on wow for his GDKP runs. He’s currently trying to save enough money to buy Nimrods head. I think it’s going 150-200k on my server now…can you imagine paying $500-700 for a mount?

Until ulduar is nerfed I doubt there are many that many hard mode pure buyer slots in a raid.

If I had to guess I would say 3-4 slots and even then I’m sure they are expected to play a little.

Most of the gdkps I’ve done this tier haven’t had any pure buyers to begin with with the exception of paladins buying valanyr who may not be the best at healing but are still brought along because they are paying.

Also I feel like mimirons head is much easier to sell than an algalon kill. It definitely depends on the hm

Couple hundred dollars a month? Do you have the loot histories of those GDKPs he was doing?

heresy, the AH is a pure magical place.

lol. I only spent more gold than i would have on borean leather to + stamina a char for final touches. the borean leather stacks…about 15 to 20.

heavy borean, way more more than the 3/4 boreans to make it. and heavy borean leather upgrades? 70 gold. for 1.

Someone is fleecing someone. and it ain’t jsut the GDKP side of the house lol.

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Yogg0 takes a lot more people knowing what they’re doing. Algalon can be carried by a competent few as long as most of the rest of the raid can avoid dying to the very simple mechanics.

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I haven’t been posting as much lately, but I also stay out of about 90% of these threads… whereas you add multiple posts to almost all of them. Usually repeating the same stuff in each thread.

What I asked the OP is relevant to the thread title.

I’m glad that the OP found out that he likes something that he’s suspected that he likes though.

I’m not going to reply to you here again but I’ll maybe reply to the OP if he answers.

We are all very thankful.


hell yea brother

loving the GDKP scene, loving having multiple geared toons that I can raid whenever I want

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I hate some of the very harsh negatives that come with GDKP as a system, but even I have to admit that this point is a very strong one–very appealing.

The “mysterious” disconnects disappear When there is a pot of gold at the end

Funny how that works🤣


It is funny lol. In Gdkps it almost NEVER happens.


I’ll never understand why so many people assume that WoW should be some kind of utopia that exists above every single other online, currency based game that has ever existed. Video games are ruthless capitalist hellscapes and you’re not helping anyone by whining about how someone somewhere along the line bought an item with gold they got from another GDKP that was earned from selling on the AH to someone who might have bought gold sometime in 2021. Literally get over it lmao

What does GDKP stand for?

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Gold dragon kill points