I’m a GDKP convert

Yall know we had over 3 years to make gold right?


You have more gold than them, that automatically makes you a card swiper.

They’re probably the same type of people that claim hacks every time someone kills them in an FPS too


Yes, Susan has been busy since 2019.

Heres just a PEAK at one of my old hussles.

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Refer to picture above.

Maybe stop being poor?

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Where do you think all that gold came from in the first place? Much of it came from bots farming gold to sell to GDKPers.


I will take speculation for $1000 Alex!

Sure now anyone who spends gold is a gdkp swiper.

Can we please keep the goalpost still for 5 minutes?


You can’t deny WoW has a huge botting problem, especially on the mega servers.


Like how much though? 10%… 20%… 80%? Show us the numbers


Fixed it for you.

Bots existed long before GDKPS.

Raiders used consumables.

I used haste potions, i have never bought gold.

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I don’t know if it’s fair to say you’re a convert when you were neutral or even positive about GDKPs to begin with (as per your own posts). Especially since you created a thread 3 weeks ago and said you said you had nothing to spend your gold on and therefore you were bored.

So yeah your liking GDKPs is no surprise at all. Instead, this all fits perfectly with someone who is bored and has nothing else to spend gold on but still wants to play Wrath Classic a lot instead of just doing other things with their time.

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I think what converted him was actually doing a gdkp.

When you see how much better they are over the other pug systems its pretty easy to convert.

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Yeah its a no brainer really

I just don’t think the OP was converted at all.

I think he always fit in with waiting GDKPs but just didn’t get to do them on his fresh server because they weren’t really a thing.

It would be interesting to hear from an actual convert who didn’t like them and now does, this thread isn’t about that though.

By the way, it’s a HUGE surprise to see you so involved in another one of these topics.

You may not have bought gold, but I guarantee there were gold buyers in your GDKPs. Therefore you benefited from and contributed to gold buying.


Can you link the proof to back up that guarentee?

And you seem to have missed the point that that is hardly unique to GDKP’s.

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It’s basic common sense. The majority of gold buying is for funding GDKPs. You don’t need much gold to play the game if you aren’t spending thousands bidding on gear every week.


Im looking for actual proof, not your feelings. Nobody cares about those

You guarenteed it, show us the evidence


This is actually one of the most incredible benefits of GDKP as a loot system for pugs. You have to stay til the end for a cut! Sooo much easier to keep a group going for a 4 hour run without anyone leaving when leaving costs you thousands of gold.