I’m a GDKP convert

How is it nonsequitur that a boosted character is not at advantage(and can very easily be at a big disadvantage) compared to most of the characters on the server?

IE not winning. You know a basic component of pay to win

It’s always funny when mentally slight folks post this stuff. They act like you can’t make gold in the game and clearly have no idea how GDKP works. There are so many resources/add on/ et cetera that can give you a way to make gold (if you’re not a lazy piece of trash and just want things handed to you). All the GDKP that I have been on; I have made more gold than what I have gone in there with from the pool at the end. I’m not willing to empty my pockets for any piece. At the end (especially if I didn’t win a bid) I come out way ahead. GDKP is a good gold farm if people are stupid.

I already explained this. Boosts are for new characters and the comparison is someone who pays vs someone who doesn’t. A lvl 1 vs a lvl 70 (who used cash to get there).

But that’s not the comparison as you aren’t just competing against fresh characters(and there were no boosts on fresh realms), in no definition that I’ve ever seen is starting behind the vast majority of the pack considered winning

Unearned progress through cash is part of P2W. I’m sorry you can’t see how simple the definition really is, but that’s a you problem.

You’re getting to the bare minimum for the current content, you are not getting progress.

Which is a catch up mechanic.

Skipping the worst leveling in the game (Vanilla) and BC is progress compared to a fresh start on a new character. Don’t be *intentionally dumb.

Which once again still just catches you up to the entry level for the current content. You aren’t as behind as someone starting from level 1 but you certainly are in no shape or form winning.

Which is the key concept, it’s a catch up, not an advantage.

Nobody buys your weak attempt to reverse the comparison in order to deliberately miss the point. You don’t have an argument and we both know you’re wrong.

My argument is simple, you just don’t like it. If someone wants to spend a little money to avoid solo leveling for a couple weeks and play with the pack(at a disadvantage) more power to them.

That is still not winning and I’ve never felt out competed by a boosted character.

I prefer not to think you’re actually this dense, but I’m quickly losing faith in you.

It should give you a real big clue that boosted characters are typically noticeably worse at the start and then just blend in with the crowd.

In a P2W situation it would be obvious in the bad way that they boosted.

You’re just repeating a bad argument as if it’s valid. It’s not. Try again.

Well we’ll just have to agree to disagree, I don’t consider starting at the bottom rung of the current expansion winning.

I’m guessing you’ve just never played a game with serious P2W.

eve says…yes it still happen.

some people like making money. that they’d never spend. or they do fun things with it. different goals for different gamers.

one of eve’s massively rich players (at least a few years back as he moved on later as I recall) was a really cool dude. Name was Chribba. since isk was no longer a thing he cared about and he liked the game he did great things for the community. Made enough he gave back to the game. and still made profit. he wasn’t a charity…but he was charitable man. A Paradox maybe…but he pulled it off.

wow’s lacking to me is they don’t capitalize on this. Said it many times and I will say it again. this game needs gold sinks.

want to burn excess gold…sell things to get people to burn that gold. Via vendors.

not everything needs to be a 1% drop in raid.

PLayers in time make lots of gold failing to get that drop. hence the gdkp issue. I am not saying rmt is not happening. I am saying lots of players have legit gold from spamming 1% drop content. weekly, on alts too. this adds up.

this was how I made lots of gold in retail. I wasn’t raw gold farming by design. its jsut that raids made me good gold at least 10 runs a week lol. per raid. actually per raid level. you’d reset for each level to get ALL the mog color variants.

If it had given me the damned mount or mogs I wanted…I’d ahve been done. WoD HFC…3 months later I got my mount. Even though good money, I never returned.

Retails side in BFA times, 100K+i ish gold for the custom alliance chopper was one of the best buys I ever made. I love that mount. pure gold sink. Its a vendored item in SW.

I’d buy the horde one too if an option. Something about the deal with Orange County Choppers prevents that iirc. Make it 200k if that changes one day? Here you go vendor.

It literally makes zero difference what you consider progress/winning. There is a statistical, tangible difference between the character that paid and the character that didn’t. It’s P2W, period.

And btw, OG gamers would have seen this precisely the same way as they did a GameShark–cheating. It isn’t that nobody did it or that it couldn’t be fun, but we all knew what it was.

I mean it very much does, let’s look at some common P2W designs.

Provides power that is not available otherwise, boosting fails that check as an entry level character for current content is a extremely common without boosting.

Let’s you skip some time gating that is so extreme it can’t reasonably be done, boosting once again fails this check since entry level for current expansion is pretty short to get especially compared to how long most people spend at max level.

Usually has some element of infinite repeatability for scaling power, once again boosting fails this as it’s only once per character with a very finite benefit.

Boosting just fails all the smell checks of P2W.


The rest is simply trying to justify an incorrect definition.

Why because I’m looking at the actual etymology of the phrase and boosting simply doesn’t align with it?

Judging from your posts/views of it, you don’t seem to be old enough to even understand the etymology of the phrase–let alone apply it correctly.