I’m a GDKP convert

Right, as opposed to the MTX industry shill definitions that are “commonly accepted,” lmao

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Some of you haven’t played actual p2w Asian games and it shows :joy:

No, the difference is that if/when I choose to engage in that in those games, I don’t suffer the cog-diss involved with a wrong definition while trying to pretend it isn’t exactly what’s going on.

For that matter, GW2 has a fair bit of this type of stuff, but nobody there thinks it’s much of an issue.

Edit 2:
I don’t really think it’s right for Wrath. It just isn’t designed to support it and we can see the unhealthy effects it’s having on servers everywhere. Let’s at least be willing to call a spade a spade, though.

Wow has a sub fee, I can only level to level 10 without a sub fee. Wow is pay to win guys!

Oh, look. Someone else who thinks straw-man is a valid argumentative tactic.

Straw man is literally what you have done in this entire topic leading up to this point. I can’t believe I actually spent time reading your nonsense.

I fail to see how what is essentially an ingame auction of gear denotes p2w. You still need to kill the boss, and the loot rate remains the same.

I’ve played some real p2w games in my life, one comes to mind where there was cash shop items to + each stat on your gear. And these items could fails and - stats.

This + scaled infinitely, you had players who literally could not be hit because they + their dodge stats so high

That’s p2w

Oh, the classic “no u” response. How original.

By itself, this isn’t what people are describing as P2W. It’s the use of gold acquired from RMT for this purpose that makes it so.

But how wide spread is RMT for GDKPs though?
You get enough money from running them to fund buying items

Why would you need to RMT?

That’s where the argument comes in. Where does the gold that funds the GDKP come from? I’m not suggesting all of it does. We don’t really have a way to know how much of it is. However, given the botting situation and the lack of enforcement against botting or RMT, we can safely assume some significant portion of it is. We can also easily see how GDKP incentivizes this behavior.

That’s what people are bent out of shape about with regard to GDKP.

You don’t. The gear is earned by the raid when the boss is killed, how that raid decides to distribute their loot is left up to them by blizzard.

I’m still waiting for you to explain in what world a boosted characters beats an established character(which will be the vast majority of players). At launch and much much more so now.

I don’t consider 50th from last out of 10 thousand instead of last out of 10 thousand winning. But maybe I have higher standards.

Which goes back to the nature of P2W. P2W requires some advantage that simply can’t be gotten in game, by game design. The boosts explicitly don’t meet that as they only brought you up to minimum entry level for the current content and weren’t available at all on the fresh realms.

Keep shilling, bro. I’m sure your commissions will reflect it sooner or later.

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Lol still waiting for that explanation of the massive advantage a boosted character has over an established character.

Since that has nothing to do with the point, you’ll probably wait a long time.

Right people who don’t know how GDKP’s work, don’t understand how the AH works and are too lazy to farm some gold themselves are bent out of shape.

When you’re talking about winning it has everything to do with the point :slight_smile:

Using a false comparison to generate a non-sequitur does not a point create.

And ad hominem won’t get you anywhere either.