I’m a GDKP convert

What advantage? I’m talking specifically about WoW here where the boosts have always been to minimum entry level for the expansion.

That’s because you can’t buy conquest tokens with real life dollars. But you can buy gold with real life dollars, which you can then purchase loot with. I thought that was fairly simple to comprehend tbh…

I already told you what the advantage was. Try reading the whole post when someone replies.

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Wow you are being obtuse. You win by getting another char to 70 before they do. That is the winning.

It’s self explanatory.

That would be relevant if boosts were available at the start of the expansion to current max level. Which they never have been in WoW(they weren’t even available on the fresh realms) so it’s not relevant.

I’m still waiting for you to tell me what advantage a level 68 in blues has over a level 70 in epics(and now a level 80 in epics) since that’s your competition.

You’re still trying to straw-man by getting the comparison wrong. At this point you’re just being willfully ignorant about it (at best).


Boosts were available at the start of WOTLK.

So you are admitting it is pay to win.

Right they were available to level 68 with bad gear. I See you ignored.

No it was level 70 and it’s still a leg up over new players who didn’t boost.

You can’t win this argument because you are wrong.

I forget the exact level it was 58 for the TBC boost. But sure a level 70 in bad gear, you still have refused to explain.

The quality of gear is irrelevant as you saved dozens of hours over someone new to WOTLK who didn’t buy a boost.

Having characters from TBC is irrelevant for the case of 2 new players. One who boosts and one who doesn’t.

You are wrong.

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It’s more that I’m providing proper context for the boosts in WoW instead of just ranting about them being P2W.

Wow is pay to win and you are wrong.

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The quality of gear is entirely relevant as you are competing against the entire server not just people who rolled a new character. Which includes a number of characters who will be in much better gear. And if you boost now you’re competing with the 80’s decked out in ulduar gear, so enjoy all the “winning” there.

And as I noted boosts weren’t available on the fresh realms.

It literally isn’t. Let me break it down for you there since you can’t keep up.

Player A is new to WOTLK and starts leveling from 1

Player B is new to WOTLK and buys a boost to 70.

Player B wins by paying money.

If you can’t follow this simple example you are admitting you are just trolling and being willfully ignorant.

No, it isn’t and you aren’t.

We can even look at it from a strictly economic standpoint. If the boosts provided no advantage, they would have no value, so nobody would buy them. Yet lots of players do, and it’s because the value is obvious. You can try to play stupid word games about it if you want, but you are simply wrong in your position. Until you can understand the definition correctly, you don’t have an opinion with any weight on the subject.

LoL you really don’t like quoting whole posts when you can’t address all the points in them. Let me help you try again.

You like being wrong in all of your posts.

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No, you aren’t, because nobody buys boosts for existing characters. They buy them for new ones.

They are just going to use extremist definitions and over exaggerations to change the meaning of things to fit their narrative. It won’t end.

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