I’m a GDKP convert

The fact that you can earn it and in a reasonable time quite literally means it’s not pay to win.

This is not debatable. It is IN the accepted definition of the term.

I don’t think you read the whole thing or you would realize how dumb this sounds.

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Once again you are being held accountable for the things you have said.

If a level skip is p2w then name an MMO that doesnt do that?

Even EQ has a cash shop for exp potions and that would be p2w for you.

Literally every mmo is p2w with your definition.

That isn’t “the accepted definition.” Anyone can put w/e tf they want on that site. It’s not a credible source and it’s certainly not an accurate one.

Yours is a weak definition and a weak argument.

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It was placed there BECAUSE it is the accepted definition. But tinfoil hat all you want.

MMOs became that way. There was a time where none of that would have been deemed acceptable. Also, just because they began to feature it doesn’t make it not P2W. What sort of logic is that??

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P2W was a term coined for largely mobile games because they advertise themselves as free but have extremely predator micro transactions that effective require you to buy them to effectively play.

That simply doesn’t apply to WoW(retail or classic)

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Nice fallacy, bro.


That’s “freemium.” There’s a difference.


Depends on the game I guess, in competitive games it’s P2W(since you know there’s literal winning involved), in single player games sure freemium works. The two are largely interchangeable though and describe the same basic design strategy.

No, they actually are different. A game can have P2W elements without being freemium. Freemium as a model requires P2W, though.

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Sure some games try to double dip with a sub/upfront fee + micro transactions. That usually doesn’t fly too well though if those cross into genuine P2W/freemium category.

Sort of. Wrath Classic has a sub. On its own it is neither. It has paid boosts, which are P2W (cash for progress). It isn’t freemium in part because it isn’t free (has a sub) and in part because it isn’t designed with a ton of p2w elements to drive player competition (such as Raid: Shadow Legends). The P2W is very limited in this game.

Also, as I stated earlier, Wrath Classic isn’t designed to be P2W on the loot/gear side of things. Players and RMTers did that–in part through GDKP–but mostly through being lazy and not wanting to put the time/effort in to earn the things they want in game. People who buy gold through RMT to purchase a mount for 30k are engaged in P2W. It makes zero difference to anything whether or not other players have that mount or how they obtained it. It’s still P2W because the options/power afforded to that player through the gold was gained with real world money.

I’m strictly describing the definition here. Some games could (arguably) benefit from allowing RMT, but the counter argument there is that they should simply be designed so that it isn’t necessary. It’s worth noting that the ethical debate about whether P2W is acceptable is entirely a different conversation.

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Nothing in the cash shop is P2W in WoW.

Yeah a boost that saves you what a couple weeks of leveling and gives no end game advantage? That’s not P2W.

It categorically is. Players are just more accepting of it because there is no endgame advantage, but that doesn’t change what it is.

Except it’s not, the boost isn’t even too max level. Lemme know how well your boosted character does against a BiS max level character then come tell me about how much you “won”.

You are reversing the comparison.

You paid for a headstart that saves you a bunch of time compared to someone who didn’t pay. You still gained an advantage through real world money.

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Good luck. They don’t understand simple concepts.


I’m not even judging people for doing it, but we should at least be able to honestly describe what it is.

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Yeah but it’s kinda hard to argue that paying for a boost isn’t pay to win.

You are literally paying to prevent a lot of work and can get ahead of someone who didn’t pay.

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