I’m a GDKP convert

The mobile industry hasn’t sold me anything. I form my own opinions by looking at things from an holistic approach.

Call of duty offering a skin that gives you a competitive advantage thats not available in game any other way except paying is pay to win.

Wow offering a boost to catch up on levels is not.

Both are P2W. The only difference is the degree of predation on the part of the devs.

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The only difference is the amount of mental gymnastics it takes to make you right.

The irony is rich here.


That’s my favorite line.

Try justifying how paying for progress you didn’t earn “isn’t” P2W. Go ahead, I’ll wait…

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Assuming we are talking about the level boost.

Getting to max level isn’t “winning”. It does not give you a competitive advantage against other people who are already playing the game. It simply gets you ready to play.

RPGs are based on progress. There definitely is a “winning” in being 80 vs 1. Progress is winning, by various degrees. Try again.

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“In conclusion, it’s wrong because of this made up definition the aliens gave me.”

Then every mmo is p2w.

You should quit mmos.

Try not trolling for awhile, then we can talk.


No one can talk with you. You fabricate things and try to pass them off as facts.

Have a level 80 duel a level 1 and tell me there isn’t an advantage. Tell me one can’t farm considerably faster than the other. Tell me one doesn’t have access to way more content than the other.

You can’t tell me it’s not “winning.” You’re the one engaged in mental gymnastics here, and using the same lines that the mobile/MTX industry sold you.

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They aren’t fabricated and they are facts.

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So you will never talk to him again…

Right, because all he does is troll.


There isn’t. Because that level 1 can simply come back and duel after they get level 80, it doesn’t take long. Everything is available to obtain and in a reasonable time. This makes it not pay to win.

In the time it takes him to level, that other 80 got super geared. He still doesn’t stand a chance. The time savings is itself the advantage. It wasn’t earned. That doesn’t make it not p2w, quite the contrary.

Your definitions are wrong, so your premises and conclusions follow as also wrong. You can have a standard or be an RMT shill. It’s up to you.

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Except what im saying is true.

With your definition name an MMO that isnt p2w?

You guys use this watered down definition that literally makes all mmos p2w.