The Horde didn’t pick Honor. They turned on Sylvanas cause she said mean things about them and ran away. If they had turned on her on their principles it would at least been worth something.
Holy Necro, this wasn’t necessary, and the Horde losing doesn’t mean regaining moral high ground if the writers just want to keep the alliance at “they did nothing and never will” mindset.
It’s alive!!! Alive!! Muahahahahaha!!
Saurfang’s faction did exactly that.
Those ‘factions’ are about as flimsy as the rest of the story.
One year later. One year.
Well this sure is a blast from the past, thanks for the necro.
It’s hard 2 believe I made this thread a year ago. Thinking as soon as we inevitably booted Sylvanas and could be “good guys” again the pain would be over, little did I know that it’s only begun…
Well, not begun, but continues with a lackluster cast of nobodies and a sin the faction will never be able to fully recover from.
Saurfang’s faction was tiny if that end cutscene was anything to go by. Remember Anduin’s ‘is this all?’.
Don’t particularly care for your interpretation of the Council. Most of them are pretty cool.
Ok and I don’t really care for yours, most of them be a bunch of nobodies.
The only character with real significance at this point is Thrall, and even he is just an echo of his former glory.
I suppose if your definition of “nobody” is just “anyone that wasn’t in WC3”, then sure.
And I suppose your standard for what’s “pretty cool” must be lackluster and mediocre characters who were hastily written into leadership positions cuz the writers forgot to actually set up replacements for their predecessors.
Eh, the fact that Calia and Baine are there waters it down substantially, IMO.
…who exactly does that statement apply to? Voss/Calia for sure. Rokhan and Gazlowe maybe?
That’s like, what, 25% of the Council?
They are exactly who that particular description applies to, yes.
Okay but wouldn’t your statement be incorrect still? Blood elf and Tauren leaders, the allied races, Ji.
I guess 75% wrong is better than 100% wrong.
No, cuz my original statement is that Horde is left with a lackluster cast of nobodies.
Which I still stand by.
Who would you consider a somebody?