Hypothesis: People who want RDF don't normally do dungeons

No, their stance hasn’t changed. That’s the point. We wanted an authentic Vanilla and now we want an authentic Wrath.

For some reason you’re letting trolls manipulate you. They’re not purists. They’re not #nochangers. They’re trolls.

Real purists are against RDF in Vanilla and in TBC, and I was. Vehemently. It didn’t belong there. And that exact same purist philosophy is why I’m so for RDF in Wrath. Because it does belong there. It is integral to the Wrath experience.

I’m really not sure what you don’t understand.


Real purists are a tiny minority. The playerbase doesn’t want a truly authentic WoTLK.

We don’t want Arena teams back.
We don’t want titles and rewards removed from 2v2.
We don’t want spell batching back.
We don’t want to wait 10 minutes between pulls for Heroism/Bloodlust.

and a whole plethora of other things purists like yourself would have us endure. Blizzard has made plenty of good changes but people seem to forget those and focus on the bad (RDF.)

I understand 100% it’s called we disagree and there’s no factual evidence to prove either of our points lmao. Is it so hard for you to agree, to disagree? It really shouldn’t be… Let me know when you get hard facts on the topic other than just your opinion that they are trolls and not #nochangers from classic vanilla. Until then we can put this little conversation to rest.

Uh… I’m not sure where this hypothesis comes from, but thanks for giving anti-RDF toolbags another strawman to use in their arguments. It’s not like we have enough issues with the Classic Andies without joke posts like this.

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