Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

You took a hard “No-changes” stance and haven’t deviated from it in any way, shape or form. Over 5 years of preaching the same tried and failed philosophy.

The only reason you’ve “changed” your mind about RDF is because the only thing you’ve ever cared about is your exact 1 to 1 replica game. You were shocked when they announced the removal of RDF and are now pretending to have changed your mind about it. It’s not that you see the virtues of the system, it’s because the removal destroyed your illogical desire for a perfect replica of WoTLK.

So you lie, and pretend to have changed your mind. If you actually changed your mind about RDF and believed the things you’re saying now, you wouldn’t contradict yourself like this:

You don’t even like WoTLK:

Admitted to disliking it in the past, probably had zero intention of ever playing it. He saw Blizzard remove RDF and now decides “Oh actually, I always loved Wrath!” Nah, he just has this crazy egotistical view that the game should be a flawless 1 to 1 recreation and he’s going to pay to campaign for that even though he doesn’t play the game.