Hypothesis: People who want RDF don't normally do dungeons

I don’t normally raid except in vanilla classic. That is why I would actually be totally cool with raid finder in WotLK be it at launch or later. I mean, I normally just PvP so it lets me see content I would otherwise not see, and to hell with anyone else’s experience, right?

No. I have this strong feeling that it would probably ruin someone else’s experience.

But Blizzard, if you decide to cave, please add some Raid Finder easy modes so I get to see the lore content, thanks.


I did a Wailing Caverns back in 2004 and that was enough for me, thanks.


People who want RDF are generally dungeon crawlers. LFR nerfs the content so that it’s possible to complete with a PuG, while RDF doesn’t change the content at all. They aren’t comparable for that and many other reasons.


I see people all over the place saying they don’t have a guild and don’t want to interact to do dungeons, hence RDF. I too don’t want to have to interact with a PvE guild to see the interior of the game’s cool instanced PvE content.

EDIT: RDF definitely gave a buff to stats and everything else, so that’s a content nerf.


Most people don’t seek out guilds to run dungeons as it is, let alone for Wrath when the dungeons are easier. Guilds are formed to raid, not run heroics.


Leveling guilds are formed to run low level dungeons, no? Join one.

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Having +5% stats is not a ‘content nerf’ - the buff is the same as someone who overgears the content running it.


Precisely. They aren’t. This is not some commonly accessible player-made institution like raiding guilds. You might see a leveling guild here and there advertise, and maybe once in a blue moon you could further join one and actually end up with some extra ability to run dungeons. Maybe. Some marginal extra ability, given that if the players from that guild were around and available they’d group with you without you being in their guild. Otherwise? In general? No.

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Nah breh a 5% buff is totally the same as a much stronger version of that buff on top of entirely different and simpler encounters.

No. RDF I’m in favor of for non-heroics, but I don’t even want it for those. Raid finder is a huge, hard no.

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Is Westfall a dead server or something? Guess you should have gone to Benediction when you had the chance, eh?

Probably one of those people that laughed at them for those unfortunately queues and insisted Blizzard had a solution…well, let me tell you, Blizzard has a solution for you too. Time to get extra social.

You can literally pug heroic ICC, there is no need for nerfed mode LFR

Just a regular server.

No on all accounts.

LFR is terrible. I’ve run entire raids multiple times on LFR and I couldn’t even tell you what half the boss mechanics are. Any raid you can complete while half the raid is afk/dead isn’t a real raid… It’s literally impossible to fail.

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Modern players are capable of PuGing a lot more than players from yesteryear. Doesn’t change that LFR nerfs the encounters and why.

I don’t understand your post because your title is about RDF and your body is about LFR, but I hate forming a group when some dude is right next to the stone questing and just keeps questing while I fly from miles away to summon some other a$$hat who says nothing and comes back 20 minutes later saying hurr I was hitting a dab, then proceeds to be mediocre af

RDF would be much less of a headache, particularly in the 1-70 instances.

I definitely do dungeons. They’re rewarding in terms of xp especially when you have quests.

LFR requires blizzard to dumb down raids and make new levels of content and I’d rather them not worry about stuff like that and fix things that are already buggy in the game.

Too much effort. I would like Blizzard to automate the system for me if they automate it for RDF.

At that point WotLK is sort of ruined anyway, so why not?

It’s about a slippery slope. Might as well give both if you’re going to give one. Let the people who aren’t social enough to do dungeons do dungeons, let people who aren’t social enough to raid do raids.

I edited my post but LFR will require a lot of development in regards to tuning whereas RDF is in the game and requires no additional tuning to dungeons. That’s the problem I have with it.

How would having a feature in the game such as raid finder ruin someone else’s experience? Just its mere existence alone would ruin it for someone?


Game theory trickle down effects.