Hypothesis: People who want RDF don't normally do dungeons

Nice troll post. At least make an effort to make it sound brlievable. What is it about lfr that you dont like? The fact that you are not required at all to use it?

The OP is clearly a troll mocking people who want RDF, insinuating it’ll lead to all kinds of things like LFR.

That’s very obvious.

What about different difficultys don´t you understand ?

To make everyone be able to complete raids without much effort you need to make raids available on different levels, which is good for everyone, since everyone can pick the specific challenge he wants from a raid.

Dude where is your reading comprehension?? I’m pro RDF lmao. I agree it’s a core system that shouldn’t of been removed from the game!

I’m saying it’s ironic how the no changes minority from classic DONT want it in the game… it’s evident by the no changes vanilla classic posters on here. Maybe you are a no changes classic vanilla player who is pro RDF, but the majority of them aren’t because it wasn’t in their beloved classic vanilla.

That’s what I got from reading his initial post too.

Sorry but no. If you can’t clear already easy raids you don’t deserve to claim you raid. Stay in 5 mans.

inb4 some crying about gatekeeping

People that don’t want RDF are people that will not touch dungeons after the first week of every phase when they need to get any new emblem gear and couldn’t give a crap about the viability of sub-80 dungeons or the fact that come end of Wrath, the game was quite literally designed around RDF existing. Anti-RDF people also don’t actually like the expansion.

At the end of the day if Blizzard decides to cater to the same crowd that they did with Vanilla & TBC which resulted in absolutely dead Vanilla era and a TBCC that performed so poorly they opted against doing era servers at all… I’ll happily stop giving money to Blizzard and continue with other options we’ve had available for a decade+.

Looks like it? I still don’t see sarcasm tbh. I don’t know that person and we’re on the internet so not gonna assume quickly.

Really? lol…“okay then”.

And for the 4th time: you are wrong about this. Not a single #nochanger wants RDF removed from Wrath. That goes completely against the philosophy of authenticity.

You are being trolled by these people. They’re not purists…they’re just using that excuse without having any actual understanding of what #nochange meant.

Do you seriously not understand that?

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i cleared every single raid in wow AoC until classic got released.
Why does this have to mean i have to gatekeep others from playing their game ? Are you insecure in your life, is it meaningful for yourself to define your being of existence by lookin down on others ?

I have a pretty well paid job. Neither do i care that there are others that are earning far more then me, nor do i care that others are earning less.
And i definitly don´t need to push my ego by looking down on those that earn less.

Thats essentially your argumentation.
“I am an insecure human, i need somebody to look down to, so i can feel better”

We’re taking about WotLK, not Vanilla. Of course Classic Era shouldn’t have LFD. WotLK should, because it was part of the game.


See, this is the actual purist mentality.

If you want Vanilla, you can play Classic Era. If you want TBC…you’re out of luck. If you want Wrath, you should be able to experience Wrath. And if you’re a masochist you can go play Retail.

How is that not a good overall philosophy? What is illogical about that? And yet Blizz has chosen not to do things that way. They want to mix and mash elements from one game to another. Months ago when talking about RDF Brian Birmingham said “We need to take inspiration from expansions outside of just Wrath.”

Really? So Legion captures the Wrath experience better than Wrath? These are the clowns in charge of Classic, and that’s the real problem.

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I understand that but don’t agree with it.

In your world you’re saying every no change person from vanilla classic who hated RDF from retail, that has followed along to tbc is now actively against the removal of RDF, a system they originally hated in classic vanilla? Because they are now playing wotlk their stance has changed, all 100% of these individuals? Right…. Carry on.

Again, I agree with everything you’re staying lol. You’re just under this illusion that the #nochanges crowd the entirety of it, is against the removal of RDF, but it’s the “others” that are pro the removal of RDF. Who are these others?? A betting man would put their money on the people from original classic vanilla that have massed over into wotlk that were against RDF would continue to be against RDF, but you disagree. That’s cool. Not sure where then all these pro wotlk but anti RDF players came from then!

Like all surveys they sent it to like 10 people and none of them actually played Wrath in 2008-2010 if they think RDF doesn’t belong.

I played Wrath and I didn’t get the survey, so you’re wrong there. My personal conspiracy theory is they only send it to retail players and “influencers”.

That is what I said… read it again

You’re right, sorry. What I meant to say is, I didn’t play Wrath (on this account).

Cool, stop grouping rdf with lfg and run along now.

We were literally pugging ICC during actual original wrath.