Hypothesis: People who want RDF don't normally do dungeons

I don’t agree. I think people who are against rdf, to a large degree, don’t run dungeons in pugs. This is going off what people have posted here. And really, if you don’t run in pugs you have no reason to use the rdf and shouldn’t be voicing your opinions.


I think people that want RDF actually LOVE dungeons, but they don’t want to spend half an hour spamming LFG every time they want to do one. With RDF I would spam dungeons all day, and level like 8 characters.

Without it, I will get pre-bis and stop outside of helping friends and guild

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Yeah. So give me RDF! I want to crawl in dungeons, all the time.

Try taking away the freedom of your friends and family. Then you will feel better in life, because then you being free is much more enjoyable.

Sorry, but your “argument” is bs.
I did raiding in every form, from RDF whilst working overseas, to fighting for world first kills.
Never did i ever felt bothered by how others played the game. I would cry myself to sleep everynight if i would define myself based on the necessity to exclude others from participating in something they want to do (unless it actually is harmfull to me).

Your argument is also the definition of injustice.
The principle of justice is to treat equal as equal, and unequal as unequal.
Your experience being influenced by unequal individuals doing unequal activities ? Well, i always disliked people that want to push their individual values over the head of others, without a practical reasoning behind it.
In politics we would call those dictators, individually fascists.

Very hard NO on LFR in Wrath, are you out of your mind? I swear most of you shouldn’t play WoW anymore, move to another game.

You’re clearly missing the OP’s obvious point. It’s a stab at people wanting RDF, he/she could care less about raid finder.

It’s sad that the op is probably one of the #nochanges classic vanilla players that demanded no changes and is now following the masses into tbc and wotlk demanding these expansion leave out and ultimately CHANGE their game. Oh the irony.


I love dungeons. That’s why I love RDF. I like meeting people. That’s why I love RDF. I love Wrath, because RDF let’s me do content I enjoy.

Hypothesis: anti-lfd trolls are running out of ridiculous arguments to make.


What about making it too inclusive don’t you understand? To make everyone be able to complete raids without much effort you need to make the raids easier, which is bad for everyone who wants challenge from a raid.

It’s so bizarre to me people equate #nochangers and purists with not wanting RDF. Removing RDF from Wrath is the change. Of course purists want it in Wrath.

You’re making the mistake of falling for Blizzard’s bait: that they’re removing it due to the desire of Classic players. That is a lie. A convenient lie so that people like yourself point the finger at imaginary players.

This is 100% Blizzard’s doing. They’re not responding to any player requests. They gathered no feedback. They simply removed RDF all on their own. So stop focusing on this fictional player that Blizz invented to take the blame. It’s Blizzard, and Blizzard alone, that did this.

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Of course blizzard did it, what’s your point? Somehow I missed it since mine was about how the #nochanges crowd from vanilla classic is actively supporting and rooting to change the wotlk experience. Not sure how your post rebuttals that in any way

RDF for current content is anathema to classic. I don’t like it for non-current either, but given the way people accumulate at max level, and how few people end up on various leveling brackets, it would be healthy to enable it for low content.

Except for the inevitable slippery slope problem, where the people who want to be antisocial in heroics, will double down on screeching for RDF in current content too.

Nice troll post but sadly for you it makes no sense at all

Wasn’t there a survey for Wrath too? I am sure it had RDF questions there, probably a lot of people said no thanks.

If they dont want to do these thing, maybe a MMORPG is not the game for them. I dont go into a FPS and say i need aim assist because im a casual.

The point is you’re wrong, because they’re not.

That makes zero sense lmao.

It’s a topic about what should or shouldn’t be in the game. If blizzard offered a no changes promise on this patch, then this patch should have everything included in that patch as promised.

You think if you buy a brand new car off the lot and your engine falls to the ground, you are at fault?

The only reason RDF isn’t implemented in the game yet is because it wasn’t implemented until close to ICC. RDF will be implanted into this expansion once the boosts and nostalgia has worn off. It’s not even a debate as this is blizzard after all needing to have featured to keep subs in place.

The debate is whether RDF should have been implanted day 1.

yep, i want LFD because it helps me to do one of the 2 main pieces of content i enjoy, dungeons. i love dungeon crawling and i find open world questing to be boring. at the very least with LFD i would be more likely to go out and do more quests than if i had to sit around babysitting the LFG tool, or spamming/watching lfg chat.

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That’s not how I’m reading the OP at all. OP is ok with Raid Finder in Wrath because he doesn’t normally raid and mostly do PVP even tho OP knows it would ruin someone else’s experience but is still OK in the end if Blizzard crave. Go read it again that’s exactly what OP is saying.

random BGs, dual spec, and BG queue from anywhere came out after Ulduar but are already in the game so this argument isn’t true



Whatever man. Blizz has said it’s never coming to Wrath.

In any event, the only people who want RDF removed are trolls and elitist gatekeepers. That’s it.

Purists like myself are the loudest people in favor of keeping RDF in Wrath, because that’s authentic. No #nochange person would ever be in favor of removing a core system from an expansion. That is a completely made-up, fictional, imaginary player Blizz invented to take the blame. And that’s precisely what you’re doing: blaming a shadow.


Lol I just can’t.

Youre telling me you can’t read the sarcasm in that post? How about how RDF is in the title, but the body has no mention of RDF.

His point is that if we are going to have RDF, let’s just go ahead and implement raid finder too. He’s being sarcastic about RDF, he doesn’t want either features lol.

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