Hypothesis: People who want RDF don't normally do dungeons

Oh god please no.

If you want to see the raid content, wait for the next expansion so you can go back to it, watch someone’s stream or put in the necessary effort.

The experience of raiding is made worse by making it too inclusive. Some things need to be left as accomplishment to make them more enjoyable.

The journey is more important than the destination.

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Glad to see that you’re still on Community Council.

I’m extremely pro-RDF and even I am against LFR. Its pretty apparent that raids requiring 25 (40) players to complete means it was based around communication and having some sort of relationship with the other raiders. I did one LFR back in Cata and i legit thought it was a practice mode, I wasn’t expecting loot to drop.

Give us full RDF but keep out LFR.

From a mechanical and functional aspect Lfd/rfd/rf are identical in function and form…putting groups together. It does nothing else after the fact, Content dificulty is moot and and gearscore is its primary gating mechanism to ensure eligibility.


Wrath isn’t ruined by including an authentic system into the game which is wildly beneficial and has virtually zero drawbacks. The reality is the tedium of forming dungeon groups does not give the vast majority of players any impetus to form meaningful social connections to circumvent it. On the other hand, players will and do form meaningful social connections to tackle relatively challenging content like raids.

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Didn’t read your post, but counter: 99% of WoW players do dungeons.

Hypothesis: You aren’t familiar with how relevant Heroics are throughout entire gameplay cycle of Wrath.

People who want dungeons fast will group with guild, just in case you wanted to use argument of RDF promoting go go go mentality, RDF is there for loners and more general playerbase who wants to do dungeons but doesn’t want to spam for tank or heal.


so you know wotlk divided raid into 2x category normal and heroic, that was the first utter trash move toward raiding system, and to see the people who’s getting happy with it rise a finger if someone asked for different raid version such as Lfr? that’s hypocrisy.

if you gate keepers cry hard about people getting free loot, then maybe you should go play pay2win games Or wait wow is literally a p2w with this insane amount of real money tradres And gdkp’s, nvm

No currently a raid logger as I’m not interested in dealing with Blizzard broken system, but sadly heroics are mandatory for Wrath to unlock the reputations, just like in TBC, but without RDF it means my tank and my hunter will have no more use of the dungeons without RDF, with RDF however I’d be spamming dungeons when I’ve got down time, collect some badges, some gold, and maybe even some enchanting mats. But with this current system, its not worth the time or energy, and you’ll find most raiders are gonna feel this way, once we’ve got what we need aka unlocked the helm enchants we need we are done

It needs it so it’s completeable with a PuG, kind of like to the level of a dungeon. I think it’s actually a totally viable comparison

LFR offers a training wheels version of the content, which allows people who would otherwise guild up to access it to bypass that need. It undercuts the building block of the game’s social experience in a very practical sense. RDF, on the other hand, only bypasses tedium, because players by-and-large do not respond to the onerousness of forming dungeon groups by creating meaningful social bonds. They simply don’t. That is observable reality. Does one pop up every great once in a while via analog LFG? Sure. But it isn’t at all common, unlike with raids which actually drive meaningful social networking by the bushel.

I still support LFR in Cata Classic because people who want their nostalgia trip deserve the expansion to be treated with the same respect as Vanilla and TBC, but at least in the case of LFR if you exclude it from Cata you get what you pay for. With RDF you both make Wrath less authentic as a holistic experience, but you actually end up causing the opposite effect as intended and cause the social sphere of the game to degrade.

Your topic makes no sense. Why would people want RDF if they weren’t dungeon runners?

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OP doesn’t actually believe this. Just a troll posting in bad faith, like most of the anti-RDF crusaders.


So gatekeeping raiding is fine but not ok for dungeons? Why do you hate casual players so much mr elitist?

I sit in town more with LFG then I would with rdf.

Community doesn’t exist.
Lfg goes like this
Accept invite I’m not even told what for.
I’m a tank so summon me

The exact same scenario as rdf. Just with more steps


Youre right, I want rdf and I probably havent ran 10 dungeons since hitting 70 on my main in phase 1 and those were just because guildies needed an extra. Im not gonna spam lfg for an hour, just to run a dungeon and I would bet theres a lot of people that feel the same way about it.


Because doing dungeons without LFD is a pain in the :peach:. Other than one Strath run on my new DK, I haven’t done any dungeons since the start of TBC when everyone was leveling up.

Obviously, its a chore to get into a party with the current tool so I do minimal dungeon content because I am here to play the game. Not to play the LFG tool or chat. Whats more true? We don’t normally run dungeons because we don’t want to do them or we don’t run dungeons normally because the tools given to us suck.

Hi, that’s me! I don’t care about raiding or all that.
I love running dungeons for loots and rares to sell.
I like to call myself a Treasure Hunter. :grin:


A buff I would say is not a nerf. Making a boss have less health, less dmg, and also a saftey net to where if wipes happened it continued to get easier is a nerf.

You’re wrong.

I was basically a guide during original WoW. I made dungeon group after group. Carrying players who never step foot in them. Showing veterans new tricks. This continued into TBC and Wrath.

Had I had RDF during those years I might have actually had time to do other things. Instead I I wasted hours putting groups together and even more running from point A to point B for someone to randomly leave as we get there.

RDF was the best thing they ever added for me. It created a much better user experience for actually playing THE GAME. It was so great it made me come back to the game and continue to play to this day.