Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Yeah because we are champions

Choo choo

Therefore any time arguing with such people is wasted since I gain nothing going into circular arguments, you could slowly change their core beliefs but it takes months of very friendly and calculated process aka therapy, and I aint getting paid to waste my time doing that.

Hell what I am saying here is light lol, I have far more unpopular opinions such as analyzing the term fun and what it rly means when most who lack self awareness meet it, now that would cause a lot of attacks and defensive attitudes since “fun” is seen as this fun ultra subjective term anyone can excuse whatever no matter how wrong it is, but a topic that Gamers :tm: or society itself is definitely not ready for.

Hell people have issue accepting climate change, imagine asking them to understand more fine psychological ideas and their effects on society and inner self xD

And it has been 12 years since I was talking about such subjects and humans havent changed much based on how defensive they get, feels like the species is advancing in snail’s pace.

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Good god

I don’t even know where to begin to unpack that but that has to be one of the most unhealthy posts I’ve ever seen in my life

Maybe. But some of this I think really comes down to more of your belief systems which is really hard to change. Are you for the individual, or for the group. Sort of like the entire republican/democrat thing. Depending on where you fall on those lines you will support different types of ideas naturally. It will be hard to change that without changing the core. Because so long as you value the individual more then the group. you will believe that forcing min/maxing onto others is wrong.

Defensive attitudes is because of how agressive you go. If you push, people will push back.

It’s no about your opinions being unpopular, it’s about you just being toxic about it.

Hey, don’t feel bad! We can still do stuff. And we usually do great damage, comparatively, when everyone else afks for half the fight! :slight_smile:

You constantly have the worst takes I’ve ever seen on the WoW forums. That is a feat.

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Well idk about that. I’ve had some people get pretty nasty to me. Even when I wasn’t using flair in my post. Just because I like titan forging lol.

RIP Titan forging :frowning:

Another lie from Ralph. No-one is saying this. What we are saying is that it’s a bad idea to create a system that prevents us from playing our class optimally in more than one form of content. This system will create scenarios where you are going to feel like you are playing with your hand tied behind your back in all but one type of content. Even if it’s only 5% (and that’s being optimistic) you are going to be aware of it and that will create frustration. Every time.

Why you think that’s a good thing is beyond me.

This is a problem the community created by only looking at what the top end players are doing, not why they are doing it. Everyone at the top end is aware that any class can do well at all forms of content, regardless of the meta. The problem is LFR heroes who look at the MDI and draw the conclusion that the only good healer is a mistweaver, the only good dps is BM hunters, and the only viable tanks are warriors.

This won’t happen. The low information end of the community will still do the same thing, only this time you will add covenant selection into the mix.

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Huh. A bit to answer your other part about core values.

I think some people need to not forget logic. It’s one thing to have different values, another to forget about logic. In this case, Ralph blames other for going circular about their argument, but he’s been the one doing it and I’ve called him for it

Titanforging pure rng form of progression is not something that should happen in a game that you want to care about progression. I thing there’s a lot of better ways before just blending all of progression into pure rng of this level. Titanforging was a super lazy design.

I’m picking them based on criteria such as theme, whether I like a specific soulbind, what the kit is comes third. I’ll be going night fae on my druids and hunters because what else, and I’ll be going necrolords on this character, I read up on them, it was them or venthyr, they edge out by the end. So I’ve already got ideas long before any min/maxing can even take place, I won’t be going that route having an undead warlock that turns into a fox or hangs with the angelics would be mad lame.

And that’s great! Now if only other people could play how they want with their class like they’ve been doing since forever.

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Totally agree, I haven’t even delved into what spells you get, and I suppose that would make or break a lot of people’s decisions. I fully understand min/maxing, and I almost did it when I found I don’t like any covenant mounts/forms, am kind of meh about all but a nature user wearing night fae (the necrolord cloth isn’t even a robe smh), so for a moment it was looking easier to pick them based on what they did if I didn’t want most of what they gave out.

I agree there is probably systems that could be better for the game, but won’t be nearly as exciting. Deterministic systems could work but are honestly a bit bland and boring. However providing a way for low end players to stay on the tread mill in such a system is honestly fine by me, but it’s not optimal. I’ll always prefer titanforge because It agrees with my own core plus gives that adreneline hit from getting lucky. My core belief is that all players should have the same amount of time they can invest to reach the peak of their own progression path. Shadowlands people like myself will reach that peak pretty early. Unless there is some sort of Paragon system put in place. But alts would hate hate hate that.

Maybe gear you’ll get cap, but there will be Thorgast and other systems like renown giving powers that you can farm. Don’t worry, Blizzard will find a way to make you grind if grind is something you want.

I’m going vampire dudes on my hunter

I love me some kill shot and it’s got an extra dot for my hunter that can proc kill shot

I feel like the biggest problem is going to happen when people get in game and start leveling and end up going

“Wow I love this ability but I wanted to go X and now I have to choose between the two”

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Call me crazy but i do want a grind. But not a meaningless grind. I want my character to feel more powerful for it. It helps increase my Dollar per hour of entertainment metric. The less I have to pay per hour of entertainment the better. It’s why I like the MMo scene so much. Once that gets too far out of balance I’ll like just go to another type of game.

I wonder if Ralph is ever going to run out of straw for setting up all these lame arguments.


people would be a lot happier if they actually played the rpg part of the mmorpg and actually bothered role playing their character instead of hyper fixating on optimal stats like a bunch of min/maxing munchkins from D&D who just discovered how to multi-class


I guess like me you’ll have to hope that everything works out in the end, I’d like to reassure you more but we don’t know yet how all the systems work will work atm.