Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

The best thread.

The only kind of thread

If you don’t mind me asking what type of therapy is this?

My imagination is starting to go a little wild but that’s because you said cult

“Just cut the goats throat and heal the wounds of your past”

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I’m just amazed that certain people manage to blame the players for Blizzard’s inability to balance classes and specs, rather than blame Blizzard.


Blizzard is infallible.

No I just said that cause it’s weird cause of all the weird sounds and touching. Honestly they are just trying to desensitize me because sounds and touch freaks me out. Most the time I have to have earplugs in order to feel comfortable. Which affects all parts of life including my game. You know how people get about not getting into voice chat.

Sounds like it’s for anxiety.

Amongst other things yeah.

I feel like at this point the poor guy can’t provide feedback anymore because he’s damaged his reputation so badly that no one can take him seriously anymore

He’s also more than likely created a space where he’s had to be so defensive that he’s more than likely to attack people first because he thinks they’re our to get him

I’d almost feel bad for the guy if I knew he didn’t have his view points out of spite

Who me? or Ralph.

Lord not you my man

You should have seen him back when he was unsubbing.

can you share link to those posts??

Ah I was just asking because some of my views. Would still be a thing with or without spite. Spite has definitely solidified them. I have openly admitted it a few times.

I’d have to dig them up and find them.

ahh, leave it then. Its not that important :sweat_smile:

You can check his profile history since he hasn’t hidden his profile.

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It is an rpg, by their nature there will always be unbalanced specs because it isnt an extremely simplified homogenized game where everyone is the same therefore balanced.

Not that they dont have a part in this, their extremely slow balance changes even when they created templates and instead of making changes often they made it every few months suggests the tuning knobs will only be used every couple of months at best.

That is a problem in blizzard sides but even if the game was balanced around 2% the community is to toxic to not call X class “trash” for not overperforming like X class.

I’m sorry to hear about your anxieties, I was explaining to my house mate how bad anxiety can be because even in computer games which feels like a really good escape tool you can’t even escape it and can reduces peoples enjoyment because they’re still to anxious to get into groups with people because they still are scared people are going to think they suck

Out of interest though you seem pretty open and willing to speak your mind on the forums, how do you find the game and forums differ?

And as bad as it sounds I pretty much don’t care after people admit it’s because of spite because they’re alright admitting it hahaha

I mean with how much Ralph spams, not far off the truth there.