Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Mainly because it is pretty clear that these people no longer care about character building, the systems or anything in the game, their ego is attached to their performance which is why the go through such lengths of extremism like benching anyone who dares not play meta or the top build, doing a ridiculous amounts of islands, pretty much hating their ingame experience to get even that 1% advantage. They arent having fun, they force themselves to do that because their ego depends on it.

The fact that they dont compete for world first, where the race actually matters and there’s money involved shows this isnt about anything but a desperate attempt to feel like they have self worth.

And thankfully my ego isnt attached to something as fragile as beating a game that is meant to be won, especially a game where you arent solely responsible for the final result unlike an Rts 1v1 for example.

That is why I find many people being attached to games in a very unhealthy way, because once it becomes your main source of self worth, you will inevitable become toxic because it isnt a stable or realistic source of self worth.

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If I have to go back and dig up the threads and break down exactly why it didn’t affect them and was purely due to pettiness because you feel like being dismissive i’m going to be annoyed.

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People hated master loot because they got tired of XYZPDQ being reserved on every single run. Or when they joined a guild run as a Pug they didn’t get treated on a equal level. Or if you was trial even though you put in the same work you didn’t get the same reward. But sure, let’s go with it’s because people was out to get you. Get annoyed with the truth. I really don’t care.

Master looter could only be used in 80% guild runs so your first point is uninformed and moot.

Joining a guild run as a pug, loot rules are explained or you ask, if you don’t agree you don’t join.

The end.

Stop being petty.


If you joined a guild run you deserved the same reward. Blizzard agreed.

stop being petty.

If you and the group decided that beforehand then yeah, if they didn’t, you don’t join.

Use your words friend.

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+1, Master looter being removed was a great thing, especially since most guilds did use master looter anyway so your options if you were going for good level raiding or mythic were limited.
Or the whole “you are a trial, even if you perform well you aint getting rewarded”

Plus all the social problems of players sucking up to officers for extra points, thankfully the RNG gods might be harsh, but they wont ever discriminate.

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And yet, even in situation you did decide that. People was getting scammed. You would hear about it every day. Thread after thread after thread. And Blizzard wouldn’t fix the loot stolen because the rules wasn’t defined clearly enough. Master loot was a bane. Blizzard likes to keep a hands off approach in the support department so instead of handling it on a case by case basis. Which tbh people would of been happy with as well. They decided to make masterloot go byebye. If you are angry at people, be angry at your peers for abusing the system.

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Wrong again, they would absolutely uphold and redistribute the loot if the rules were clearly laid out in chat.

You’re making an issue where non exists because you don’t like a group of people, you’re the same as ralph.


This is such a carebear thread.

Borrowed power is terrible as we have found out the last two expansions. Convenants would have been better being purely cosmetic and story focused. Player power should come from the class and the gear it acquires on its journey.

PS the removal of ML was next level stupid, guilds are a group of people who use said drops to further their progression , while it most certainly has been abused in the past , it was the choices said groups made in a game that is supposed to be about group play and interactions.

The rules had to be extremely defined though. Need before Greed for example wasn’t good enough. You are just willfully choosing to ignore all the evidence that it was a issue from the plethora of threads about it before it was removed.

There may have been better ways to solve it sure, but there was an issue. I’m not sad it’s gone. If you want to villainize me for that so be it. But i’m not about to feel sad because there was a issue that got fixed. I do wish it got fixed in a way which made both sides happy though.

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The threads and complaints about master loot were almost all made by people who willingly joined a master loot guild and complained when they didn’t get loot they wanted and the rest were from people who it never impacted.

The vast majority of master loot guilds were mythic guilds because personal loot gave more items on average, the only up side of master loot was designating exactly who which item went to which helped with progression.


So it is your belief the threads was created by some conspiracy to get masterloot removed and wasn’t an actual problem? Or is it that people was asking to be victimized by this system so they deserved it? I think I don’t follow your logic.

Look at the threads Ralph is making, some people are just clueless and think things should revolve around them.

You act like dumb people are some sort of rarity.

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Not at all. I think there is dumb people born every second. I think I talk to several of them everyday. I just believe even dumb people deserve protection from being victimized by scams.

Don’t join a master loot mythic guild then.

It’s like putting something in your own food you know you don’t like then complaining when you get a mouthful of it.

Then you decide to go out and get that food banned so nobody else can eat it.

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Master loot removal was REALLY bad for people who didn’t abuse that system

I think they should have left the option to have it for guilds that were cool with it

However it doesn’t seem to matter as much now days because we get so much power from secondary sources

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I don’t disagree. I even said a few comments up I wish they came up with a better solution. But I’m not going to be sad that it was removed because Master Loot the way it was working, was obviously not working.

I just honestly can’t come up with a solution that would work and people wouldn’t work around to abuse it. I feel like the guild thing would just have people join guilds to be part of a pug then kick them out when it was over. Keeping the same problems just adding a additional step.

We had the option of master looter and personal loot.

Somehow people are defending removing one because they were really mad guilds would spread loot out using master looter? The funny thing is any guild worth their salt just uses Rc Master Looter anyway lol… It didn’t do anything.

I bet that just makes ralph simmer up insisde.

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Hmmm just looked over that addon. That could of easily been Blizzards middle ground solution. if it was an upgrade the person got to keep it. If it wasn’t it went into ML. EZ PZ. Reserving mounts would still be a issue but meh. Not as important. So I personally don’t care. lol.