Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

He has everyone thats brought it up on ignore.


He should go make a facebook group isn’t that what all the people do with silly opinions?

I think I even made a post saying the same thing at some point

I think in a nut shell I said after you’ve done your primary covenant where you get all your everything you should be able to roll off and help the other noobs out to get their ability unlocked and their soul binds. When you complete that you’re off to the next one

I think I said it would be a decent idea because you’d always have something to do until you fully unlocked everything so even if the first patch is messy you’d still be trying to get all your stuff unlocked

Well imo the reward would need to be something more meaningful, like a title and a cool mount or mog appearance, something that can be shown off.

I would say greenfire level of color change would be pretty huge and would be welcome, for example everyone who stays with the necrolords gets their spell animations have a more green hue etc.

Now people would want to get that, but if they cared more about DPS then that person would have to forfeit those rewards and be the person who doesnt have the cool mount etc.

Though I dont think min maxers will like that since they kinda want everything.

If your wanting it to be character specific it can’t really be a mog, or mount. That isn’t how those systems work anymore.

I think it can, because the system is designed to have such limits, for example I am pretty sure a non rogue cant use the rogue class order hall mount even though their rogue character has it.
Same goes for horde mounts not useable by the same account’s alliance characters
They could do the same with covenants/achievement

It’s true, but they could for example. Have 2 rogues and have one rogue with the covenant they want and just not touch it. Then be able to use said reward on their main rogue. There is class, and faction specific things like that. But not character.

I think the days of character bound mounts are a thing of the past my man

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Pretty much and I’m happy with that myself.

Yeah I see your point, depends how far the system goes, it could be instead of class/race/faction be based on an achievement that can only be earned on accounts who havent gone back and forth between covenants more than once. (Since I can understand someone wanting to try something new and not liking it and going back while min maxers are gonna change every single day)

Like your account becomes ineligible to receive that achievement since the requirement is to stay in the same covenant for like a year without changing back and forth more than once. Even the glyph idea works though since you could apply it on your character only.

I honestly like the idea but I sadly dont feel Blizzard would implement something like that.

Honestly, I think Blizzard would if they thought it would make both sides happy if there was a big enough group of people on both sides of the argument. It’d garner them some good will which they are farming right now.

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Yeah I feel the other side wouldnt want anything that doesnt let them have everything, if they agreed to such a solution I would be pretty happy, we would get prestigious rewards they ll never get and they get to be optimal at all situations.

I remember mentioning before that I am ok with them changing them like talents if they forfeit cosmetics of covenant on their account and they started going the route “you are punishing us, this is unfair”
Feel it is pretty much the mentality of they want to have the cake and eat it too.

Ralph has created the perfect thread.

Just ignore anyone who disagrees with him and the conversation sure looks great.

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Well I think it’s a couple things. It matters who the suggestion comes from for one. People obviously have decided not to like you. So anything you say rather it’s a good idea or not will have a higher chance of rejection. The other thing I think is happening is the cosmetic reward has to be at the right level of cool. A full gear set is something more min/maxers relate to. I think something equally big but not so much related to dungeons and raids. But things done in the past as a reward for more solo-type content. Like the warlock green fire is more acceptable to people.

Why does it not seem far-fetched to imagine the passive aggressive vocal mythic min-maxers as the type of people who would walk through the McDonald’s drive-thru just to berate customers for their choice of buying and eating unhealthy food when in reality most fast food small value meals are only 1-5% less healthy than a garden salad (without dressing).

Good lord just tell him we agree and call it a day

I’ll email Ion and tell him we got it all worked out

Seems like Ralph is on board so long as there is a cosmetic award attached for not swapping too many times. You guys seem on board. I think both major opposing sides are cool now. I feel like I just solved the war in the middle east.

You quicker you learn Ralph just has a bone to pick with people who want the most out of their character the better.

It always boils down to that, it was the same way when master looter got removed and every random player and their mother that doesn’t even raid supported it even though it didn’t affect them.

They just see people above them being harmed in some way and latch on for dear life because it makes them happy.

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Sounds like some people have a persecution complex. We’re out to get ya, this in no way has to do with our own fun.

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