Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

I’m sorry?

Saying it’s no different then choosing your class. Isn’t directly calling something a class. Don’t be ignorant.

??? That is exactly what that is. A comparison. You think the two are similar. They are in no way similar.

Yeah, it’s more like an essence you’d have to regrind each time you swapped it. Or you just couldn’t swap them at all.

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It’s extremely different. I choose my classes knowing their strengths and weaknesses on a broad level. Covenants I’m expected to choose at max level and will effect my entire gameplay loop in sl in addition to my player power. I want tp and cheat death both of those are just flat out bonkers good especially after playing veng dh for nzoth you don’t know how much you miss mobility until you play something with a ton of it. At the same time that party event looks beyond boring while I absolutely love boss rush type stuff. So basically I get to choose between great player power and an awful gameplay loop in my view or uncertain player power and a gameplay loop that to me sounds ideal. That isn’t a good thing remove the player power aspect and move it to talents and legendaries.

Also the whole idea of conduits being destroyed is absolutely awful.


That is a better phrasing of your opinion. But to say I’m calling it a class is just stupid. You are correct, the two things are not directly the same. However the similarities I am drawing from when saying it’s no different from choosing a class. Is the choosing part of it. When choosing a class you have to consider which one has power, your suited play style, or just the appearance you like. The same things you need to consider when choosing a covenant. Likewise, making this choice isn’t exactly easy to undo. In fact, you have to make an entire new character if you want to undo your class choice.

So don’t listen to Ralph? Finally some good advice.

It isn’t. Yes, you are making a choice. That choice and the things you need to consider are wildly different then when choosing two abilities and a crappier talent tree. The comparison just isn’t there.

A class you aren’t just choosing for abilities, you are choosing for, utility, three different and changing talent trees (all three which you can freely move from btw), it’s type of role it can play and it’s method of play and mechanics of delivery style to consider. Covenants have none of that. You just get two abilities, you press them at right times, some are way more powerful then others. That’s it.

They are not comparable and never will be no matter how much Blizzard is marketing this as comparable. It is not.

Making a new character doesn’t lock you out of your old character.

This is true, that is why. I’m not even sure if it was this thread. So freaking hard to keep up with where I post what lol…

Anyways that is why somewhere I said I’d honestly be acceptable to being able to freely swap without penalty after hitting a certain renown level. Basicly like leveling up your class. Granted to prevent abuse certain functions of the covenant would need to be on a cooldown acting as if you had used them.

And each one would need to be unlocked this way.

I’d be down with that

Gives you something to do with your time and you get rewarded by all the groups of shadow lands

RP is in tact and freedom of options


Which is hilarious because that person admitted that they have an extremely toxic guild environment and they would bench any mage that would even think of going arcane.

Imagine being such a tryhard that tries to stack fotm classes and min max everything to death yet be miles away from world first, these people are literally suffering for no reason other than the delusion of hardcoreness aka delusion of specialness

You’re quoting someone who has two cutting edge achievements this tier, maybe he was benched and that’s why he is on your side.

We enjoy progression raiding. Like how you are progressing 6 months into the tier on the fifth boss.

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Honestly though, even though I avoided adding it to the suggestion because I know certain crowds would be just as negative to it as the original concept of Covenants. I would hope if they decided to go that route they would offer a reward to those who stick with the same covenant for the entire expansion. Something like a glyph which allows you to change one of your class abilities to have an aesthetic to match the covenant. Sort of like warlock green fire. Nothing of power. Just a small token for those who decide to stay. Although I feel like there is people that would see that as them getting punished and not as the loyal being rewarded.

Why hasn’t ralph responded to why he’s uses the same corruptions icyveins suggests :’(


It doesn’t fit his narrative.


That wouldnt be such a bad idea as long as the reward is character specific, I am completely fine with min maxers changing covenant as long as they are fine with permanently losing some rewards. (That they cant get by having a 2nd alt they never play at X covenant for the whole xpac)

Specs become meta because after a while people gravitate to them and they discover it’s kind of fun being at max potential

Was the idea. I don’t think glyphs are account bound. They are consumables yeah?