Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Ah, Ralph, so morally superior, secure in the knowledge that he could be the best player in the world with the world’s worst build, better than the best mythic raider.

Make your own guild where everybody wants to play with oddball and homemade builds. Stop trying to force everybody who doesn’t play exactly like ralph from the game, because you represent <1% of players, and the game should not be designed to make you happy and alienate the overwhelming majority.


That would be way too simple and would probably ruin his fun at trying to ruin other people fun.


[quote=“Ràlph-barthilas, post:1, topic:582110”]

  • Min-maxers : “Being forced to play one covenant where I dont get to be optimal at everything is wrong and bad, the covenants shouldnt be forcing us to play only one way”
  • Me : “You do realize you arent supposed to be optimal at everything in an RPG right? Unless you are world first, in addition you always “force” yourself to play what is optimal so choices dont exist for you”

You are right but so are the min maxers. Optimal choices should be built into the class via skill/talent trees with loot rounding them out not some form of content ie Convenants. There is a reason players hate borrowed power , they should have just gone the cosmetic route with convenants.

But what ever i wont be playing it.

There is that demographic that gets fun from knowing other people are being made miserable…


Hey now raiders need to make money to pay for consumables somehow.

I mean. ruining other peoples fun can be extremely fun. Isn’t that what the Legion, and WoTLK pre-expansion event was all about? IF not I was doing it all wrong.

I wonder if he’s going to get to the point where his posts will keep going but he won’t see any of the replies because he’s got everyone on ignore and can no longer have a conversation any longer


Marksmanship woes. Thanks blizz.


Too bad you would have gotten your mount for free last night I was bored but oh wells

this is such a poorly constructed strawman I don’t even understand how people are giving it responses.

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That’s probably how it goes. So basicly by creating threads, Ralph is actually making a thread agaisn’t him and his ideas.

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Did anyone else read this comment in the most dirty way possible?

Does Ralph always have this big of a mouth saying nothing but toxic garbage?

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You have some issues my dude.


Probably needs a worgen druid mind for it.

I read it in a sad way because nobody wants to carry my Marksman Hunter.

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Are they horde?

I know :frowning: But my shrink refuses to see me cause of Covid.

Halp me.

Video calls that’s what most docs I know who are doing that type of work are doing

Can they do the over the phone stuff?