Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Any other TOXIC MIN MAXER try HARDERS here.

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Big kapp right here

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People are still trying to figure out why ralph is so obsessed with this.

Ralph can’t beat mythic radiers in logs or prog so his way to get back at them is to become the champion of the least supported movement in WoW.

I think people wanting mechagnomes outnumbered the people who want this system to remain the same.


You complain about min maxers, than proceed to use the best talent set up, bis corruption aswell as picking the best azerite traits. Either you are a theory crafting god or you have been influenced by the players you apparently despise. Cant wait to see what covenant you “chose” after min maxers have worked out whats best.


I can go literal days without ever remembering Mechagnomes are a playable race.

Yet I did find a decent non toxic elitist guild : ^)

Ask me then, ask me which I ve picked any choice and I ll give you an answer, especially since I don’t even use the major meta talent shadow word void which makes the spec a lot more predictable and boring : ^ )

The fact that you honestly believe you need to be a theory crafting god to find what talents synergizes best says a lot more about you than me

Covenant choice is already made unless conduits are covenant specific, I am going necrolord and using the bonesmith dude as soulbind uwu

And unless spriests conduits are something huge that allows rly different ways of playing I ll stick to necrolord.

Also the moment shadowlands was revealed I knew I wasn’t going treehuggers or conformist kyrian, even if they did double the damage : )

Disagreeing with my post? Ignored :slight_smile:

Anyone else bragging about clearing content at a reasonable rate in a non toxic guild 6 months into the tier?

You literally ignored his entire question. Bravo

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They never tied player power to story choice before.

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Okay so one talent is off, but still have nothing to defend your choice of azerite powers and bis corruptions which didn’t just randomly drop, you actively farmed and chose that setup.

I thought you were a non-conformist, seems like a joke to me.


Hunnam has a point actually, his corruption is exactly what Icyveins recommends, same with trinkets.

Ralph is most definitely a do as i say not as i do kinda character. Toxic min/maxer ruining the game as usual.

How ironic in a thread called Hypocrisy of min maxers


Pointed this out a few days ago and he ignored me after I called him a meta slave which he constantly calls other people.


Poor Ralph, you either die a casual or end up becoming the min/maxer.

God speed Ralph you loud hypocrite.



I’m gonna message Ralph’s GM on my Boomkin alt that wears Bear gear because HE AINT NO META SLAVE WUSS and see if they’ll bring me to a run. If they decline me, I’m going to sue them for racism and see if Ralph joins my side in my quest to bring down “Da Bois”


Your argument is flawed, he isn’t copying everything. Ralph is a pandaren which isn’t even the best shadow priest race for either single target or aoe according to bloodmallet. I guess some people just don’t have the ability to realise that others can have a good intuition and are able to decide on strong choices by themselves…

Heh heh he… my Horde shaman did his first mythic pug last week. I’ve almost caught up Ralph, i wonder if they need a resto shaman - After all we certainly aren’t a Hpal so I’m not a meta slave.

I will work on the resistance Ddzz…

No doing that means you’re a min maxer, why would you have a try hard intuition? huh? such a try hard with your good intuition.

I wish I could clear content at a reasonable rate in a non-toxic guild.

But my guild master comes to my house and physically beats me whenever I ask to play Demo :frowning:

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I’ve seen Timba in many other posts and you always have a way of egging on other players into replying (by being aggressive and childish), huh? If only you could redirect this aggressive energy towards the high mythic raiding content you love so much, you and your guild might be able to achieve a Hall of Fame ranking… But I guess that’s a bit too try-hard too, huh…


Ironically just described everything Ralph posts, somehow ignore him but complain about others who throw it back at him.

Get lost.