Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Why is that?

Does that mean being worse means you can’t do the content?

It will take you slightly longer to do said content because you picked to focus more on other content? What content do you do more? Mythic or raiding?

Will noone pick you because you picked mythic instead of raiding? That is a community problem.

The fact that we got such a uproar over this system, and players want to min/max on all the content because they are worried they won’t get invited shows that we have a rot in this community, but we all knew this. With addons like raiderio and other systems to make sure players pick only the cream of the crop players to join.

I love that Blizzard has turned the community upside down.

You’ll still be functional in M+ and PvP. It’s not like the doors to those forms of content get locked out and the LFG or BG menu buttons get greyed out.

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You could apply that logic to affliction warlocks, go try arena or mythic+ on one and get back to us.

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That’s a failure on Blizzard’s part to balance the class, and a bit of a drastic example. I don’t think covenants are going to turn your character into affliction warlock level unviability.

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So blizzard can’t balance one of its classes, a core component of the game and you expect covenants to be fine?


Covenants aren’t classes. They’re just addons to your character, not a fundamental base for one.

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Azerite, essences and corruptions aren’t classes yet they add like 60% or more power to your base class and are horribly imbalanced.

Now imagine you were locked into 1 corruption, essence and azerite combination for all your content and specs.

Haha, good luck.


I would make the best of what I have.

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Sounds good if the gameplay was balance for it. So what is the problem?

People with cancer are making the best of what they have too, doesn’t mean we all want cancer.

Jesus christ.

You’re comparing a video game character system to a real life deadly disease.

Jesus christ.

The gameplay is never balanced, that’s the entire point, both in legion and BFA they screwed up the systems and had to repeatedly patch them into a playable state halfway through the expansion.

Because you’re too dim to see the nuance of why they’re a bad idea so I literally had to use something as obvious as cancer to show you a clear analogy.

Did they screw down the lid first, or are the subscribers falling out and ending up elsewhere?

If you love that people are going to be miserable for a lot of reasons, that’s a sign that you have a problem.

Why would you choose to play a game that’s not fun? What is it you’re getting out of restricting other players from enjoying playing the game the way they used to?

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It would be fun for me, to choose the covenant that best appeals to my favored aesthetic and to get some real tangible benefits from that choice. To make me feel like a more unique character to those of the same class and spec. Take away those tangible benefits and it becomes less fun all around.

This is what you actually wrote, which doesn’t sound remotely like having fun.

At a certain level of play, yes, it does.

Necrolord for DK’s is a perfect example of that. The class ability and the CC immunity are god-tier for PvP.

Any DK who doesn’t go Necrolord for PvP will be at an insane disadvantage. But at the same point, they’re utterly awful for PvE, so any DK who does go Necro will be at a huge disadvantage in PvE.

“Slightly longer” is the difference in timing the key or not because the Venthyr Gateway enabled a certain strategy that allowed us to shave off 40 seconds on the key timer.

“Slightly less” DPS is the difference between a boss wiping on sub 1% and taking another 30 attempts to get the kill.

“Slightly less” utility is the difference between getting the kill on the Healer in Arena, and losing because you got peeled.

These abilities aren’t conveniences, it’s not like they save me a couple minutes each day by giving me an AH out in the world instead of having to travel to a main city.

They’re gigantic levels of power that will make or break class viability in certain aspects of the game.

It’s not about whether my guild will pick me or not. It’s about the fact that I won’t be able to do the best I possibly can in that content because Blizzard are forcing us to handicap ourselves.

We’ve got an uproar over the system because it’s antithetical to how WoW’s design actually works.

It’s an awful change that basically says “no, if you want to play different specs/roles or do different types of content, you have to handicap yourself”.

Of course you do. You don’t do any content where it actually affects you.

I didn’t say it did. It just makes me worse.

0% success rate on balancing these systems.


From the perspective of Azerite, if I chose the more defensive setup, because I do tend to favor survivability, and it meant having less DPS as a result, then I would make do with what I had. I’d still try to push out as much DPS as possible, but if I’m missing a DPS trait here or there it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I would still be having fun though. That is what I meant by that.

With Covenants, it looks like my mage talent for Night Fae is going to require a bit of preparation and probably a different setup than other mages. But that’s fine. I’m going to take that and do the best I can with it. I’m not worried at all.

Or we could ask for something better instead of just hoping Blizzard actually figures out how to balance all this stuff.

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You made a really great point here because it shows the difference, some min maxers will believe that doing 90k means you are bad, eventhough 90k is where your build is and believe that instead you should be playing the spec that does 100k or 110k.

Meanwhile real skill in my eyes would be how close you are to your simmed character? If you sim says 85k and you reach 80k then I feel that is pretty good

If your sim says 120k yet you are doing 90k, well then the issue is clearly player skill and the person above who was closer to their sim was the better player.

In other words the person doing 80k is more skilled than the person doing 90k

True though with how the game is rn changing to fire wouldnt be simply, you would need a new set of gear as well as new corruptions, pretty clear that would take almost as much time as rerolling a new class, though obviously not as much.

The easiest choice if I was in a tryhard guild would be for them to never invite non meta class unless they require a specific toolkit, which is why I would never be in such a guild, if you are end up competing with people who reroll and play the meta of meta for spots, yet you arent world first, I honestly dont see the point, that guild sounds toxic just for the hell of it more specifically the delusion that they are great.
Because if you are stacking fotm classes and still take months to clear, that group is clearly not that good no matter how meta obsessed they are and how much they tell themselves they are skilled and hardcore.

I am clearing bosses with a far more balanced comp in my guild and enjoying that, we dont need to stack fire mages to beat content for example.

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