Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

But that’s easy enough to fix, you just go Venthyr and probably perform better. Trying to navigate guild politics where the guild master and main healer is an omega-bad grandmother that can’t heal if her life depended on it and trying to give her pointers while she’s takes offense to it and makes the guild a toxic place for you. That’s a lot harder imo…

I personally can’t stand guilds like that. You can never improve because that one person refuses to do so and refuses to take advice and they’re the best mate/gf of the gm or the gm themselves, you can never kick any freeloaders no matter how inconsiderate they are towards others because they have an “in” with the leadership.

Stuff that, I’ll just go pug and pick Venthyr.

But what if I don’t like Venthyr? What if I was a druid wanting to go Night Fae (probably the most thematically appropriate choice)? Don’t I deserve to play too? There has to be a place in the world for night fae resto druids and those like them.

Eh, I can understand the sentiment, but my guild isn’t like that. We work out our strats, we’re patient with each other, and we execute. We’re a family that looks out for each other, that’s all.

Then, you go back and you blame developers who are doing this incorrectly and for putting power in what should be purely a thematic experience. Like what we’re attempting to do right now.

There is no need to blame other players who like squeezing as much power out of their characters as they can.

The powers don’t need to be tied to covenants at all.

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Just seems boring. You guys essentially just want four new reps to grind. I like the fact that we have a hard meaningful choice to make with these covenants. I wouldn’t care as much if it was only about pure fluff.

Not being as good as other people isn’t the same thing as being bad. Stop viewing things as so black and white.

There’s nothing hard nor meaningful about picking the best option.

If it was “pure fluff” then there would be even less reason to ever change your covenant.

Ok but on one hand you’re going: “why can’t I be a Nighfae druid, why can’t less optimised players play”

When I give you the way that is possible, so that the community doesn’t insta-decline you.

You then turn around and say, “oh that’s too boring”.

It really doesn’t need to be, there’s an entire story, there’s transmogs, pets, mounts, there’s special perks and servants and world quests and world bosses.

You don’t need player power tied to that as well! You just don’t.

You can’t tell me that because the Venthyr Covenant is best for Death Knights that the boring spell dot effect is “Thematic” or " RPG" for them, when It’s not. It just isn’t.

Necrolord is, but it is also consequently THE WORST possible ability for DK’s who want to do ANY pve content.


The best option isn’t required if you’re not a cutting edge Method raider.

If there was nothing on the line, and all there would be to gain is transmog, I wouldn’t be excited at all. I don’t even plan on using that.

Which is why I think the community shouldn’t be so exclusionary over something like covenant choice. I will admit that’s probably a bit naive on my part though, because I know what the community is generally like.

Never said it was.

But why would I want to make my character weaker?


Who said your character would be weaker? They’d just be different. I’m willing to bet there will be instances where your character would get to shine over another person of a different covenant.

Then you’re not living in reality. No one wants to play with someone who is going to be a drag on them, especially a 40% drag. Unless they’re a friend or a good longtime guildy. With strangers? F no.


Doubt it’s going to be that drastic. Even if it was something like a 10% increase though, why should it matter? Even if someone is doing 100k DPS and someone else was doing 90k…isn’t 90k still really good? Chances are if someone is struggling 40% worse, it’s not going to be due to a covenant choice. It will be because of class fundamentals and a lack of game mastery. Which can be fixed for the most part.

Not picking the best covenant means my toon is weaker than the people who picked the right covenant and now I’m at a disadvantage.

It’s like, would I rather be able to ignore line of sight, or do I want the lvl 100 survival chakrams talent?

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Why does there need to be power gaps for things to be interesting? Most people are going to look up the best option for their character, so they might as well just be another row of talents at that point.

because that is the biggest impact on gameplay?

Having to pick a faction and being punish for changing your mind. Is one of the best ideas Blizzard has had in a long time. Community changing and all that I don’t know or care about as this community will never change lets be real.

But, I LOVE the fact that I got to make a hard choice.

Theres nothing hard about picking the best option.

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Really? Because what is the best? Best for aoe? best for pvp? Best for whatever.

You can’t be best at them all. So pick :slight_smile:

The best for the content i enjoy. And I’ve already picked venthyr.

Having to choose what type of content your character is good at is a garbage choice.

Haha, I chose Venthyr for raid so now my character is worse at M+ and PvP because of that. Such a good choice.