Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

it isn’t about need. People are allowed to want to do those things without needing to.

Seems to be a weird want. Why would anyone want to exclude people.

I’d find it interesting to see how it would go if you got a mythic raid team together consisting on like

WW monks, sub rogues, marks hunters, outlaw rogues (ouch) and the worst tanks and healers and see how it plays out

Bosses don’t just fall over because you invite everyone who shows up.


I killed Mythic N’Zoth on March 31st. I haven’t needed to do anything to my character since then. I still maintain it and keep it optimal because that is how my friends and I like to play. You wouldn’t enjoy playing with us if you didn’t do the same just like we wouldn’t enjoy playing with you. There is nothing wrong with that.

Take a sports team for instance. If you have the best player in the world on your team who is going to carry you to most wins, no one else really needs to do anything. But because of comradery and equal effort sportsmanship, everyone on the team still goes to practice even though they’ll never be as good as that player. They still try in games. Alternatively, people that don’t want to do those things don’t make the team because even though the starting lineup could carry pretty much anyone to a championship, they aren’t up to the standard of the team.

Are you saying the team is toxic? if so, I’ll write a letter to the Golden State Warriors or the New England Patriots asking for compensation right now due to the hate crime they committed against me.

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That is going back to need. Which has already been established isn’t the case at every level that this type of behavior is being practiced.

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And you don’t need to be invited to every group you apply to.

See that is the issue. You are comparing yourself to the best. You are not, (unless you are I don’t know) Or do you really think your level of play is equal to a professional sports team?

They need their people to always be ready. Because they are professionals. They are not playing at peewee.

My team is a top 50 US guild. We aren’t the best, not by any means, but in terms of sports teams professionalism applies to more than just 50 teams in any given sport. We do a lot of things that we don’t NEED to do to kill bosses, but we do them because that’s what we enjoy.

That is far from the point, though, because you can replace “best in the world” with “best in the league” in my example. It’s all relative, which is the point.

Everyone has their own standard of play relative to their own teams, playstyles, etc. What you aren’t seeming to understand is that it isn’t okay for you to try and impose YOUR standard onto everyone else and then call whoever doesn’t go along with it toxic/exclusive/etc.

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Well in your case I can understand then. But yours is indeed out of need.

Theres other Pugs though… They can’t ever compete at that level and act like they can.

No, it isn’t. Like I said, we killed N’Zoth on Mythic months ago. We all still maintain our characters and have gotten them to far out-scale the content we set out to play in. We maximize our characters because that is what we enjoy doing. Not because we need to. If you don’t do the same, you wouldn’t fit in. So why would we allow you to come in and impose your standards on us, changing how we play?

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But you do, You plan to stay in that position next expansion right? What you are doing is keeping those muscles warmed up.

That’s why we still raid every week. That isn’t why we continue to min/max our characters.

In your case I don’t disagree. Being at the point where you need those things makes sense. However if your just some random Pug it’s not out of need. These are just people that are copying those in your position and above. Doing it even though they know they have no hope to achieve it because even though they follow the formula they lack the skill or some other component.

So you’re saying if you’re not in a top guild, then you shouldn’t ever try to improve yourself?

I’m saying. If you have no hope of achieving those goals. It’s okay to push yourself and improve yourself. However it’s pointless to push it in others. Honestly at that point why are you forming a pug? You can’t hope to achieve that as a PUG. It’s these people that should be forming their own group with raids/Mythic+. Not the other way around. That is to say, they shouldn’t be pugging. They should be part of a guild.

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I really can’t wait to see people who need to spread out teleport on top of each other and wipe the raid.

Sure you can. That’s why you set requirements so you improve your chances of grouping up with people who have a similar skill level. Instead of the alternative, where you drag along an anchor who doesn’t care about improving themselves and just wants to be carried.

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No. You won’t achieve it as a pug. You will lack the intimate understanding of eachothers play style. It’s a key component to how these top tier players are capable of getting that far. A pug will never have that. Never.

sorry this is more of a ping to get you in here. Don’t you agree that a big part of your success with your team. Deals with understanding how one another plays?

It’s not all on the community.

The game itself encourages this mentality. There are many ways in which the game could promote a different mindset.

But Blizzard hasn’t done that over the years because they probably think that the hyper-focus on performance is what drives a lot of dedicated players.

They are right about that, but even with that in mind, the game could provide tools that encourage valuing the player’s knowledge and skill over simply following the meta.