This is like shooting yourself in the foot just so the blood will splatter on someone you don’t like.
Except it’s not because like I said. That is just the cherry on top. Because I actually like what the covenants are. I like making hard choices. It’s not much of a choice if you don’t have to give up something when you make it.
Granted I’m less restrictive then Ralph. I’m personally okay with people being able to earn unlocking the others to freely swap to. By pre-loading the grind they would need to do for that swap.
I personally dont care if LFR stays or gets removed, as a matter of fact im more inclined to support it, so people who just wanna relax and enjoy the history can do it.
I do have an issue with titanforging due to its RNG nature, would rather prefer things like the corruptions and sockets u can buy in the Heart chamber, because u can work towards them and achieve ur goal.
Why is it that every post you make in the forums is whining about something? Do you have nothing better to do? Or do you need attention this badly perhaps ?
And they can do this with awesome lore, cool cosmetics and maybe some open world power (or powers usable in the tower).
Instead people of enjoying the asthetic they like people will chose what’s best because blizzard can’t balance for Jack.
They can make meaningful choices without screwing anyone that raids, m+ or pvps because balancing the game is hard to do correctly.
Except people who are into the game enough to be into the story are all in guilds doing normal or higher. LFR has no real purpose, and worse, it poisons people against raiding.
It’s a cesspool of toxicity and horrible play that scares new players away from what raiding can really be when you’re working together as a group to progress.
You can have hard choices without having power gaps. Or the whole garbage conduit system that punishes people for trying different specs.
I can understand not liking the RNG. I just despise the people that get all uppity because “Reward structure” or “You don’t need it” It’s simply them saying character growth is only allowed in content they enjoy. Everyone else can just leave the game.
Quick edit. Because I don’t actually despise those people that believe in those things, there is some of those people I actually like. I just despise the ones that get extremely ruthless with their words with it.
I would argue most pug raids fall into this category not just LFR.
Not good ones. Good ones stomp on toxicity fast because everyone just wants to get done. If you’re in toxic pug normal/heroics, you’re in the wrong pugs.
Maybe, but I like the idea of sub-classes. Been a champion of that for a long time. This isn’t that I will agree. Although it does test those waters. Even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be sympathetic toward those that care because they lacked the same sympathy. When the situation was reversed. They in short kicked the dog, and are now surprised that they are getting bit.
People will Be people, and pug runs can be toxic on any difficulty. Thats why i really recomend try to join a guild of likeminded people so u can enjoy more the game, just my 2 cents.
No, they really can’t.
The difference between normal and heroic pugs, and LFR, is that the party leader can remove people on their own. If you are toxic or bad (and bad people who hold the group back lead to toxicity) then you’re gone. In LFR, MULTIPLE people have to remove the people holding back the raid, or being toxic, and most of the people in there don’t care enough about anyone but themselves to do anything.
A toxic raid leader won’t be able to put a group together most of the time. You’re picking bad seeds.
This entire game is toxic. It’s been a slow burn that has eventually reached the hell hole it has. The constant push to turn the game into some e-sport hub has created this. You cannot have competition and not have toxicity. The two go hand in hand. Yes there is people who have good sportsmanship. However the vast majority of people online lack that capacity.
Your problem is that you are defining the “job” for other people.
In your eyes, completion is the job. In others, rate of completion is the job. For others, the reason they do things like raids is to do the absolute most damage they can do and kill the boss as fast as humanly possible. You don’t get to define what the win condition is for everyone, and you don’t get to impose your bare-minimum standards on everyone. You might think it’s okay to take an hour in a M+ dungeon. I personally never wish to be in an M+ where the timer is going to be missed. Both may result in the final boss of the dungeon being looted, but your way of getting there does not have to be the same as mine.
If you aren’t min/maxing, you cannot complete the job at the rate I find acceptable so I do not wish to play with you. Note that I do not think your way of playing is problematic, it just isn’t how I want to play I do not care how long you choose to take to finish your job, I just don’t wish to be apart of it. On the other hand, you are telling me the way I wish to complete the job is wrong and are trying to strip away my ability in doing so.
The difference between you and I (and people like you and I) is you are trying to effect my gameplay forcing your methods onto me whereas I am trying to stay away from yours because I want nothing to do with it.
I would argue that specs are already sub-classes. Covenants and all the related stuff are just more borrowed power systems that will vanish when 10.0 comes out.
That really depends on what we are classify as min/maxing. Everyone here keeps using the term differently. If you are talking stat allocation I completely agree. I disagree if you are talking about class/spec atleast up until you reach an obscene key level. At which point these types of requirements might make sense. But the vast majority of people who have those requirements are not pushing those levels. We are talking record setting M+ key levels here.
People competing at the top in “e-sports WoW” are extremely nice towards each other and are almost all friends. Competition is not why people in this game are toxic.
You don’t need to be pushing those levels to have those requirements.
Speed is relative. A guild can be US 2,000th and still wish to set a goal of speed kills for themselves, and if you are not playing to their standards they should not have to drop their standards to suit yours. Optimizing your character helps at all levels, arguably more so at “lower” levels of play
You are creating this illusion that only the top gamers care about optimizing their characters and their runs. It’s not true. Your way of playing is far, FAR, FAR from every casual players way of playing.
No, I am saying only the top players really have the need to care to the point of exclusion at the level in which people practice in. Everyone else that follows that format does it simply because it’s what the top does. Even if the need isn’t there for the current keylevel. It’s like entering a kids go-cart race as an adult with an actual racecar.