Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

see? this is what he said, not a damn thing about wich class and spec… im reading stuff however it appears you… are not

There will always be min-maxers in WoW because the game is ultimately about numbers.

What would you prefer? A game where the devs made every class do the exact same damage/healing/tanking, the only difference is character and spell aesthetics.

Or a game where not everything is precisely balanced and your choices impact your experience, including ones that propel or curb your trajectory in the content?

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They are not controlling how you play. They are simply saying here are 4 options each with benefits and detriments. Pick the option you feel best fits you. If you feel like that is controlling how you play how did you ever make it beyond the class selection screen.

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Half of those “replies” are him.

Ralph’s “min maxers are the problem” comes from his idea that “min maxers are trying to force us all to play like them and must be destroyed and forced to play according to the rules of ‘perfect rpg-ness’”.

Of course Ralph is trying to force everyone to play by his own highly non-standard playstyle.

And it all boils down to “People won’t accept me into their mythic+ and mythic raid groups because I am a superior player who creates my own builds.”

It’s really all about Ralph not being able to get into groups in the end.

“The game is broken! Fix it!” he screams. “All those players who are using builds that have been tested and proven to work are doing it wrong and should be forced to accept creative geniuses like me into their group!”


You are not following the entire conversation. This person sees the choosing of Class and Spec as Min-maxing. Your have fallacy in your arguments because you don’t follow conversations and only read what fits your narratave.

How on earth is playing the class and spec that fits your own playstyle at all the same as lacking experience. This is the quote that started that line. I asked that which lead to him saying that.

“One is excluding people based on class or spec. The other is simply due to the lack of experience.” Or more specific that line. The entire conversation as been about Class and spec, you are moving the goal post because you don’t follow conversation lines.

You gain more experience, you learn there are better options. You then choose to stay with what you want, and thus accept that people will pass over you when inviting to their groups, or you change your class/spec.

The people who pass over you for playing at a lower skill level aren’t engaging in a “form of hatred”. They’re setting a minimum requirement for joining their group and you don’t meet it.

Sure they are. They are “offering” players 4 options, all of which are likely to have major drawbacks. They have said this. The player attempts to make the least worst choice, and if later is unsatisfied, can start all over grinding with another covenant or quit the game. You want to do both PvP and tank? Not for you!

It’s not like players have the option to say, I think I’ll pass on this. None of them fits my playstyle.

Aaaand people fall for it every time.

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This “Ralph” will flame out and be replaced by yet another “Ralph” alt who follows the exact same MO.

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That is true when you are picking a class as well. Where is the outcry for making classes changeable on the fly? You do not have to be optimal to be viable. That is the lesson Blizzard is forcing players to learn.

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You are right. All dps should be Demon Hunter topkek.

Seriously though, Dictating what class and spec people play is way more insidious then all that in which you said. You don’t see it because you have fed into the gospel. I understand, it’s easy to be taught that one way is the best way of doing things. I don’t blame you for being unable to free your mind from what the games equivalent of media has shoved down your throat.

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Let’s go back 15 years and pretend that being forced into making a choice that will lock you out of multiple types of content or aesthetics is EXACTLY the same as deciding to play wow the first time.

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Blame Blizzard for doing a gimpy job of balancing classes and specs. Don’t blame the players. You’re just feeding into Blizzard’s narrative that it’s the min-maxers who are wrong.

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Can someone give me the cliffsnotes version of whatever rant the OP is making? So many run on and double negatives.

I will blame both. Players are not puppets they are free thinkers. So they are not without blame for the way they act to eachother. Take accountability for your own actions. Instead of laying blame because that is easier.

If you want to fully experience all four covenants you will have to have four different characters. As for locking you out of content… pick better friends. Optimal is not a must in content. It will not be just you so do not worry. Everyone will be non-optimal in two of the three major end game paths. People will slowly get over it.

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The problem is the poster, he has this big resent against “elitist” Players, and that is the reason he is one of the forum champions of the covenant “meaningful choice”, just to spite on the min/maxers " Elitist " Jerkks.

Blizzard set up an uneven playing field, blame them.

Or I could lay the blame where it’s appropriate. Blizzard should be doing a much better job at balancing classes and specs instead of throwing out a few 5-7% buffs about once or twice a year.

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Are you confusing me and Ralph? I personally said something along those lines myself. Although it was more that if it hurts those players. That is just a cherry ontop of it sort of deal. Like… I like the way covenants work because it’s just the type of game I like to play. But the fact that it hurts people that have time and time again tried to remove things I like from the game doesn’t exactly displease me.

If it hurts people that championed and continue to champion the removal of LFR, Titan Forging, and other content like it. Why should anyone who enjoys those things really care. I mean honestly. It’s like kicking a dog then asking for sympathy when it bites you.

Such a stupid argument. “You’re not happy about being forced to play a certain way due to game design, but you’re a hyprocrite because you don’t play with me even though i ruin your runs.” THAT is your argument.

Even worse, the community as a whole didn’t decide to make your spec of choice worthless, Blizzard did. They just recognized it as reality. This is coming from an Affliction lock who went from pushing high level keys last expansion with his guildmates to doing 1 or 2 a week at most so i don’t waste their keys. At least on this guy.

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