Because content creators that focus exclusively on raiding know and understand raiding. When you get someone being extremely loud about areas of the game they don’t understand, you end up with Ralph. Don’t be Ralph. It’s okay to focus on what you know.
I can acquire all the legendaries at some point
They will sit in my bag and require a button press to swap
You know that right? I don’t mind the choice of picking my pve legendary or my pvp legendary first that’s fine
I’d rather just like you know
Have a progression path for pvp and one for pve like we’ve had before
And not have to roll two of the same class and have to play them both
Okay, so we’re obviously not on the same wave-length about what min-maxing means then.
You do know that you can push the raid content, clear it, get it on farm status, and then respec your Covenant for PvP and do the PvP system right? You can make that work if you really want to only play one character, if you’re willing to be sub-optimal in PvP for a period of time.
In fact, for a long time, this was how the game was played. You’d main spec for raiding during progression, and then when content was on farm you’d respec to your off-spec. Vanilla and Burning Crusade both largely worked this way for Warriors especially.
Yeah I’m aware
It cost 50g to fix this issue and didn’t require me to have two rogues at the same time
I’m not advocating against balance, I’m questioning how realistically we can expect to have 36 specs that all feel unique and differ in gameplay but also be perfectly balanced.
Like I agree we should always be striving for balance, but no matter how close we get, there will always be a best choice and a worst choice as far as Min/Max is concerned.
To be fair, the fact of the matter is that it was achieved through his parents. Essentially, he was placed into a position where he could get the loan, where others would not have had such an opportunity.
Furthermore, while certainly a majority of those billionaires are indeed “self made”, what qualifies as self-made seems to be mercurial.
Are they someone who already had opportunity and connections?
Were they someone who had to struggle from nothing?
Depending on how strict, or relaxed you make the parameters, you move anywhere from 55% being self made, to maybe 10%?
in anycase, the issue with billionaires and the like isn’t the fact they are successful. In fact, they should be reward for their success, but the issue is that they are essentially dragons sitting on treasure while everyone starves. Even worse, is that they operate by a much different set of rules from everyone else. The money which went out to bail businesses was often used to simply line corporate pockets again, while continuing to fire employees the money was meant to keep employed.
Heck, it doesn’t help that the government on both state and federal levels is botching everything. I am still awaiting licensure for one state, despite being licensed in almost every single one.
in anycase, balancing the game is hard. Even FFXIV which has done an incredible job, has an imbalance between tank DPS of…1%.
There will sadly, and you understand why now adding to it will only just make it worse.
Exactly, the decision Blizzard is making is a really bad one.
You are trying to pitch the community against itself, when this is 100% a Bliz fault:
- They have multi-spec in the game
- They now have decisions that don’t “re-spec” when you change spec
Aka, they are breaking multi-spec in a fundamental way.
The top players already know how to deal with this: multiple mains, don’t multi-spec at all in SL.
Okay, I feel like it’s going to be hard for you to understand what I’m talking about since Rogues are meta more often than they are not. Not every class has been in a situation where you just play a character and you can transfer him to content Y or content Z. Warlocks recently have sucked at M+ but been great in PvP. Certain healing specs have not been meta in PvP but had done well in raids. If you played those class/roles you were already in a position where re-rolling a character to consume that alternate content was advisable if you were a competitive player.
This change is simply an extension of that reality to everyone. No longer do Rogues get the unique benefit of being immune to M+/PvP irrelevance. You will legitimately have to think about what you want your character to specialize in like many players who want to play specific classes already do.
Yes. I believe there’s a quote that Ion says he doesn’t like mult-spec. It’s obvious he’s tried to soft-delete it in Legion and BFA and it didn’t stick.
I feel like when the solution of the problem is to make the same class 4 times over then maybe it’s time to look for a work around
I mean yes, it will probably be very frustrating for those players. All I’m really trying to say is they can’t base every single design decision around keeping the Min/Max community happy.
Frankly I’m more surprised that they don’t already as I would assume that group is their biggest cash cow, but I guess not (?)
You don’t fix that issue by making them problem dramatically worse
Well, honestly I get what you are trying to say, but:
- Paladin heals
- Paladin tank
- Paladin dps
They will not be able to be done (optimally) on one toon. Rogue is “the same” in that regard, so at least it is fair.
I’ve done the multiple-main thing in prior xpacs and it works decently - esepcially since you get weekly chests per spec vs trying to shuffle your decisions around that. So it’s not all bad.
I feel like making it suck for everyone instead of sucking for a few is horrible solution wouldn’t you agree?
Oh I agree with that alone - haha. No need to work up a justification for me, the entire thing sucks. When you change spec - EVERYTHING should reset to your prior choices on that spec. Covenant, azerite, etc.
But as a great gamer once told me: play the game that is, not the game you want it to be. So I’m prepping 3 toons for SL.
You believe this is only about the min/max community is the main mistake people make.
It’s about people wanting more freedom.
When the casual will want to switch covenant after the first 1-2 months and the game is gonna tell him no. How do you think he’s gonna take it?
It’s about people really liking their class.
Why should you make 4 of the same class to experience fully your class?
It just doesn’t make any sense for me.
/Sigh dude… Your posts are so toxic you can tell why you have no friends to do things with. Our guild got aotc and does 15s every week with everyone. No specific spec required.
The ironic thing is we are an rp based guild. We want to be able to make covenant choices that are rp based that doesn’t cost power to those that want it.
Bleh dude, just bleh.
I’m looking at these options and drooling
As far as rogue goes I’ve got a solid all round damage move as well as a soul bind that that’s you have a life after death for a bit
You’ve got the option to do super hard hitting combo moves and be immune to disease/bleed/curses/poison for 15 seconds
Got the option to get an extra vanish for maximum slipperiness
Then venthyr suck and any rogue will regret that choice if left unchanged