Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

I guess time will tell.

Regardless, there will be haters. They will try to reframe the narrative. SoulSoBreezy recently put out a “honest take” and said that he’s a fan of Covenants and he thinks the majority of players will like them, but came just short of directly naming streamers who will not like the system and will try to twist public opinion against the system. That they’ll warp public perception of the game and that those who listen to the opinions of those streamers will have a false sense about how well received the content actually is.

Realistically, we will only know if fans like the content when Blizzard puts out earnings reports. This forum will be a ****show because huge swarms of people will be motivated to try to “lobby” Blizzard for changes. This will not reflect the average player experience most likely.

I think a lot of people try to put min/maxers on one side and casuals on the other.
There’s actually top people saying they like it and casuals saying that they don’t.

It’s really more complicated than what people try to make it.

I mean, it’s a way to see it. What if they’re right tho.

Your feel is not based off of reasoning and educated guesses. Look at the Blood Legion kill in ICC, or the famous arena championship matches. All of those things happened way before modern gaming culture, and raider IO.

You are speaking based off of pure belief, and your views are disingenuous and rude to someone who has fun with their friends pushing the limits of the game. The fact that you said …

…shows a level of condescension and the idea that you think you are more accomplished than these people where you think it matters. You proved my point that toxic people come in all shapes and sizes.

I feel bad for the people who do hard content to get attention and admiration from strangers. I have no problem with regular people who just do hard stuff to have fun with with their friends.

It’s well-established that Ralph has 0 idea of what he’s talking about. Talking about how toxic this community is, yet he’s one of the worst users on this forum. :joy:


Jesus christ what moron taught you this?

Who the hell put in in your head that mediocrity is a virtue?

God forbid people who want to be good at something they enjoy.

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Except for the fact that currently, you can easily swap to destro. This system does not allow easy swaps. You cannot adapt to a situation.

Capitalism, based on how incompetent, terrible, dumb and useless most Ceos are yet still survive since money goes to money, they are not special or smart and they shouldnt exist yet they do and have more than they could ever deserve.

Americans should be very familiar with how incompetent and delusion rich people can be, you got the orange one for prez ;^)

Did you never play any other MMO prior to WoW?

So basically you read a Wikipedia article on the “golden mean” and decided it meant that being better than someone else is a moral failing.

Generally the interpretation of people who spend their life looking to justify their shortcomings by blaming everyone but themselves.

Ironically this is precisely the opposite of the golden mean and its purpose as a tool of self evaluation.

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What I’m saying is that trying to be good is a very different thing than trying to be the best.

I love that people are pushing hard content. I hate that some of those people are using that as an excuse to be terrible human beings.

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Not American actually, but besides the point.

I should have expected someone trying to shame people who attempt to be good at anything was a moronic communist.


The logical end point of continuous self improvement is to end up as the best.

The real reply to this is that its silly. If this was the case you should only have one toon with one spec. Being able to switch would be prohibited.

Incorrect. The logical end-point of continuous self-improvement is to end up as your best.


It is quite factual that Ceos are one of the most useless and overpaid people on the planet, they often have no special skills or high intellect, if anything the most common characteristic is surprisingly their heights being above average.

Other than that they are nothing than another man, often one that is quite delusional and not very bright but since money goes to money, kinda hard to fail

But hey, I wouldnt be surprised as you think dragon age 2 is bad since it shows how influenced you are by society and if you get influenced by that, of course you would believe the capitalists bs of “work hard and be best and you ll become a billionaire ceo” xD

Even though almost all of the top known big rich guys came from privileged backround with families that gave them ridiculous amounts of money as assistance while the average person cant even dream of such amounts.

But hey, pointless to speak to a pawn so ignore time : D

I find it funny that the people who cant figure out how to tie their shoes tend to think that no one is special because they are not.


Not another priviledged. Oh noes.
I guess censure is one the usual communist move. xd
No matter, soon Ralph will be yelling at the void or at the sky.


Yeah, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Howard Schultz, George Soros, Warren Buffet. Oh, wait none of them did.

Actualy the majority of billionaires are self made.
