Legion radically redefined the class identity of many specs. Of course it is going to need a lot of tuning, because the balance was a mess at launch. It was only disguised by the fact that Emerald Nightmare was a joke, legendaries were RNG, and M+ was new and unknown. It got a free pass in terms of tuning, relatively speaking.
If you piss off people they will leave, but sure that’s a possibility. There’s no need to go there if you want. But I think it’s fair to assume that it would be more than probable. A high possibility. You can disagree for sure, I will just find that irrealistic.
Are you disagreeing that BFA wasn’t a good expansion basicly or not. Talking about Legion doesn’t change the issue. I merely pointed out that BFA shouldn’t be your golden standard like WoD shouldn’t be. Those are failures.
I agree. Blizzard implemented too many control variables in specifications and talent trees.
Or more importantly dont add to the already toxic culture by saying things like “X spec is garbage” or “You gotta be trolling to not be venthyr” etc
People who min max yet still add to the unhealthy culture indirectly need to learn how the community and world works
I’m disagreeing with the notion that BFA “needed more tuning” based on a direct comparison to Legion - Legion got more tuning because it needed way more tuning.
The Covenant launch system will see a lot of tuning initially, but eventually as we settle into this type of feature (and I imagine Covenants are the precursor to advanced classes in WoW 2 / 10.0), eventually a point will be hit where tuning will slow down again simply because it isn’t as critically needed.
Doing WF progression is not mutually exclusive to playing with your friends and having fun. M+ are not fun, for me. But my guild has a group that pushes their keys together to their peak skill cap… and they have fun doing it. They are very optimised, corruption stacking, essences, azerite traits, they’re very min/max. But that’s what they find fun, and they bond over that shared interest.
You read over that HELLA typo, lol. GG, man. That was a bad one.
Literally no one would get anything done with this mindset.
I agree with not shaming people, but that goes both ways. Don’t shame what people want to put effort in.
Look at someone like Swalsh. Top tier raiders who gives back to the community. His H Ny’alotha kill count is insane because of how many times he’s run people through it.
Any other expansion before had more tuning than BFA, even wod did…
BFA was the quick done and release expansion.
There’s a lot of reasons why the joke is “Beta for Azeroth”.
Or they’ll just save a lot of tuning and smashing down and will settle by making them swappable Who knows. Probably in 9.1.
That’s not true though, how can you just say that? It varies from person to person. Some people want to be the best for personal drive, for team based drive, and not to just be better than others. You’re grouping people into this category and coming off as a very sour person who thinks everyone that is better than you is just some elitist d-bag.
Yeah, because those things don’t go hand in hand all the time. Not all high level, elite players are toxic. Just like not all casuals are nice people. I’ve played with some really casual players who are just miserable people.
Toxic people come in all forms: casual, elitist, world first, new player, etc. They aren’t exclusive to one group, and you are saying that people who are pushing high level content all do it just because they feel superior to everyone else? I think you need to start rethinking how you view these people.
If there were no such thing as leaderboards or RaiderIO or Armory and nobody could see what other people have done, how many people would do keys higher than 15?
No YouTubers/streamers either.
The toxicity people would be exposed to without a measurement to determine ability prior to inviting would increase by at least double.
If there were no Olympics, how many people would see how fast they could run?
- Jaden Smith
ion Hazzikostas has been pretty consistent in that they’re “going to try to make it work” with Covenants as a feature.
As I said in my previous post, my theory is that this is laying the groundwork for the big 10,0 relaunch of WoW. Blizzard has seen nothing but decline from World of Warcraft in the past decade… until now. Only very recently has WoW seen a consistent month-over-month growth pattern for the the game. It’s obvious that this has resulted in expanded ambition from the World of Warcraft team - they’re not content with making a new raid and a few new dungeons every few months to cater to action gamers who like to raid. People like Bellular may say “you can make an expansion with four raid tiers and that’s good enough”, but he’s wrong. It isn’t good enough.
Blizzard sees the path forward making World of Warcraft an RPG again. This is what Blizzard has heard when fans spoke with their wallets. I know I’m eager to see a return to RPG elements.
Probably a lot still I mainly push past 15s only for fun, I don’t really care about io.
That’s lovely. I wish more people were like you, then.
He also said he was ready to scrap the system if it didn’t work.
Or they’ll see their mistake.
It’s a bet still, I wouldn’t bet after BFA. But they’re willing. Let’s hope they win the coinflip right?
Like even if I disagree with the system, I don’t wish the game to get worse. Which is why I want it to change before release.
Yes like I said I don’t pug. So io doesn’t affect me.
A lot of people. Raider IO was created in Legion, 2016. People have been pushing the limits of WoW since 2004 for various personal reasons. Do you have an explanation for the 12 years before that?
I don’t, but I feel like it would have happened much less if people couldn’t talk about it.