Wouldn’t suprise me if they have a switch ready to make them swappable.
Yeah, I don’t see it going live like it is now. I do kind of want to see the fallout though, if only out of a morbid curiosity lol.
The min/maxers are the best WoW players and everyone should do exactly what they’re doing or they’re terrible noobs who clearly don’t know anything. Silly fools, playing an RPG to make choices and build a character. Absolutely ridiculous.
The biggest hypocrisy on Conduits is that the “freedom of choice” argument is used to attack locked Conduits, but I haven’t heard a peep from the likes of Asmongold or Preach that casual players who play world content only will miss out on entire builds because raids have exclusive access to specific conduits. They’re not concerned because they’ll have access to them.
The simple truth is the content creators only care about their experience and/or farming views. They don’t care about what is best for the players.
Yea exactly /s
It’s like people should have freedom to play how they want.
We don’t know yet. But raids always had their unique rewards. Like all content have their unique rewards.
Those are two different discussions. Not a really fair comparison.
We do know. They’ve literally said the best PvP conduits will come from PvP, the best PvE conduits will come from raids. They’ve said it. And these content creators haven’t raised a stink even though it is in direct violation and actually hurts most players, simply because they get to profit off it. It’s hypocrisy.
No, they aren’t. Are you for every player having the freedom to have full access to customize their build dynamically or aren’t you?
I’m not sure you understand what hypocrisy means.
This doesn’t hurt players, if you don’t do the content you just don’t get rewarded for it. That’s simple. That’s how everything has worked, that’s how good game design work.
There will be stuff to do outside of raids, you can get rewards in M+, daily content, Thorgast etc. You’re playing world of warcraft. Not only one content in the game.
People should have the freedom to play however they want as long as they enjoy it without pushing it onto others.
I’m fine with you switching your covenant abilities. Just don’t tell me that I have the wrong one and make fun of me for it.
Sure, you just don’t get all the rewards. You can play how you want.
We will probably never play in the same content, I don’t pug or very rarely.
No one pushes me to play the game in any sort of way.
It hurts players in the exact way that locked conduits hurt players. You have to play content to be access to make certain decisions. Want to get a new conduit? Clear the content. Want to swap your conduit? Clear the content. It’s the same. It’s literally. You’re just trying to make them into different issues because you know accepting this truth means that your position is not defensible.
Either you’re for free access or you’re not for free access.
Conduits hurt players because you have to keep refarming the powers you already had. It’s an unecessary grind. I will do content, I do a lot of content if you check my achieves.
It’s not the same.
What does acquiring the conduit have to do with having to re-farm conduits over and over and over because you want to play another spec?
This is the issue.
This is not an issue unless you believe the game should be based on communism instead of capitalism. You want stuff, you go get it. Nobody stops you. Or everybody is the same nobody has to work.
Immediate drug test required.
Objectively false.
Linearity is the worst thing an rpg can strive for. The more linear it is the more brain dead it becomes.
It’s not like people who go against the meta are lazy fools who aren’t trying. In fact, they’re probably trying even more.
And I love communism, sue me. There’s no reason that everybody shouldn’t be having fun in a video game. And if your idea of fun is being better than other people, that’s sad.
Bro, you don’t get to use that argument until you accept that conduits also hurt players because you have to clear the content in the first place. Either you accept that you have to clear content to acquire conduits, or you don’t.
Should Conduits drop from content, or should all players have access to them? Any other position is pure selfish hypocrisy. Either you’re for an RPG being an RPG, or you’re for an action game being an action game, but you don’t get to have it your way without admitting you’re being purely selfish in your desire to have exclusive content at the expense of others (“spite” driven that this forum seems to hate so much).