This isn’t an argument, sorry. Items drop in content, you have to do the content to get the items. That’s been this games design since literally day 1.
This is just pure nonsense.
This isn’t an argument, sorry. Items drop in content, you have to do the content to get the items. That’s been this games design since literally day 1.
This is just pure nonsense.
It’s actually not. You’re just upset that you’ve been checkmate. Your position is indefensible, you have lost.
I understand all that, hope you don’t take it like an insult. Wasn’t trying to.
But communism doesn’t work if you want innovation and people pushing basicly.
Much like any form of progression, you get better things by going deeper into content.
This is true in most RPGs.
It actually is and you haven’t actually developed a sound argument yet. The only thing you are doing is whining and spewing pure nonsense.
I was a little insulted, but this is a free world and you should get to say whatever you want to say.
I believe that people would still do difficult content without gear-based rewards. The existence of key runs higher than 15 proves this.
This system will become the self forefilling prophecy of WoW. It will fail because in our minds it already has.
I recommend WoW announcing now that on the 1st or 2nd patch it will allow players to Raid other covenants and have a chance steal their main abilities. This would fit the RP, have a chance to add RNG and allow players to feel like their time investment is not un-recoverable.
And that strikes very true, because most of those people are using words like “suffering” “feels terrible” if they dont use the most optimal of optimus build, that is quite literally the word they are using for playing the game like a normal player who makes their own build, that is seen as “suffering” to them.
It becomes pretty clear that they dont care about the RPG aspects of the game or even mechanics, their goal is to be near the top so they can feel better for themselves whenever they deserve it or not since playing the meta build and doing ridiculous dps as a fotm BM hunter for example doesnt imply you are worthy or highly skilled individuals.
Which is why they often dont care about anything other than raids/m+ where epeens are a thing.
Ah another average person who fell into the meme of worshiping average games because everyone else does so, sorry not the kind to be into social brainwashing so I can form my own views on things : )
Yes, this is true. It is also true that in RPG, choice with weighty decisions are at their core. You must make a decision, and you will stick with your decision in most cases. In many RPGs, you’re expected to reroll a new character if you want to go back on a choice.
My point was simply that this “punishment” argument is nonsense, if you follow it down to its “logical conclusion” you’re making a self-defeating argument. By arguing conduits are a punishment, you are directly arguing against the core spirit of what an RPG is. To argue against conduits and also argue you’re for exclusive rewards is purely a non-sense hypocritical position motivated by self-interest rather than elegant design.
Dude. If you don’t understand how logic works, stop talking to me. It’s a logically constructed argument. You’re just mad that pure logic rejects you.
That’s actually trying to strawman me it’s not one or the others.
I have cleared the content for conduits, I just don’t want to keep clearing it because the system breaks each time I want to use it.
While if you just do higher level of content, you get the rewards permanently.
It’s capitalism, if you want the reward you go get it.Like I said all contents have their unique rewards, raiding too. I’m not more selfish for wanting this. It makes sense in a rpg that dragons give better reward for gear
I just feel bad for these people. I see folks bragging about 5k IOs and tenth week CE and I just wonder what goes on in their lives to make them do that.
I don’t want anyone to be suffering. People set their own goals in life, and I suppose that their goal might be to be the best at WoW. It’s quite an unfortunate goal to have, though. WoW is about building characters and having fun with your friends.
That would remove the last vestige of customization, though.
One of the great attractions to wow at launch was the talent tree system and the level of customization in what your character could do.
If they “fixed” talents by simply removing them I expect many would not be pleased.
Which is why the compromise to be able to switch them on the go was reached for now many years.
You haven’t shown any logic yet. Get back to me when you actually know how to construct a logical argument that isn’t based on whining and complete lunacy.
A compromise that went too far and lead to the point where people are expected to switch talents and even specs encounter by encounter.
One they appear to be dialing back with covenants.
A lot of classes don’t need to do this. And like Ralph would like to say, you don’t “need” to. This is a free choice. It’s better than Blizzard choosing for you like with covenants.
It is what I ve been saying for a while, WoW is a big popular game played by a ton of people, but because of its popularity it has attracted people who dont give a damn about RPG elements or character building.
Their goal is to use the most optimal build and “win”, they could be playing literally any other game instead of WoW and it would have been better for both sides, they would get their “wins” on some FPS/moba/rts and we would have a better community.
Though one could suggest that the reason they dont play actually high skillcap games like competitive rts/fps/mobas etc is because they arent that skilled so they come into less skill based games to feel they are skilled.
Either way, rly sad and it hurts the community.
It is the illusion of choice. They might as well change your talents for you for each encounter if they’re going that route.
There is no meaningful choice if it isn’t possible to mudwimp.
Everything is an illusion of choice, even covnenants will be At the end it’s better that it gives more freedom for you to chose and innovate, than lock you in a bad choice.
A competitive mindset based around success? Why are you putting these people in a negative light because of how they want to play a game?
Who says?