Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

Hit chance worked with the concept of missing, wich is a very old concept in rpgs. It’s one of those things that they shouldn’t bring back because older games did it cough cough

ha. Thac0.

Ha I loved hit chance

I think it served an odd purpose of having a failure rate so it enabled things to be a little more powerful
It’s like in classic if my rogue got lucky and hit back to back SS crits it would destroy the mob I was trying to kill

That’s my unpopular opinion

Also I play old school RuneScape; I’m used to hitting 0s

I just hated how I had to waste so much of my reforging into freaking hit. Although I’d gladly take hit chance back if it meant we could get reforging back.

I don’t even remember when that was added, but reforging was the best system ever.

Looking back I can see why it existed because it made a decent stat sink so we wouldn’t end up with insanely high stats that kept needing to be tweaked

But yeah I can see why it’s gone now

In saying that I wish they’d remove the chance to miss from duel wielding classes on their basic melee hits

Missing is dumb… like seriously. You are right there how the hell you gonna miss.

Was stupider with magic. Arcane missle missing? Come on it freaking follows you.

You are really going to cite the worst dragon age (and one of the worst rpg’s of the era), the one with terrible story, awful arpg combat and thimble deep classes as your go to example for good roleplaying.

Jesus christ Ralph I know you are nothing but troll but at least try.

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Do I need to remind you of Final Fantasy X-2

Holy hell man, really? By this logic you can excuse every terrible design choice because “the devs said so”.

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I said “one of”, not “the”.

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Then devs killed my pvp for 2 xpacs straight

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:cookie: I should head out. Enjoy the :face_vomiting: thread.

haha sorry Ralph… always called vomitting Ralphing. No offense.

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Purging yourself is not a bad thing sometime.
Ralph just likes to do it often. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not asking to be optimal in every form of content, I’m worried that I might have to actively gimp myself in one form of content in order to be viable in another.

I generally don’t like to bring my own score into this…but I’m 2k io on a Boomkin. I also commonly run keys with a Feral Druid (who sometimes offspecs as a Guardian tank), and another guy who plays a mainspec Guardian tank. Pretty far from “meta”, and while 2k isn’t world class, it’s respectable enough and living proof that you’re full of it.

Is this an argument for or against covenants being locked? Because players will be declined from groups for having the wrong covenant. What does locking them fix in this regard?

The difference is that if I know players are toxic, I can simply not play with them and play with other people instead. The same is not true for covenants.

I mean…that or find another group. There is always another group and eventually one will take you, but they shouldn’t be forced to.

Covenants don’t address the community’s behavior in the slightest. If anything, it gives the community another avenue with which to gate you out of content.

More likely, if you aren’t the specified covenant for a given form of content, you’re collateral damage. Pick wisely :slight_smile:

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Dragon age 2 is the best dragon age game though.

Dragon age is overrated since everyone likes to worship it even though it is clunky gameplay wise and all over the place.
Inquisition is great but my inabillity to ignore side quests and picking up every single elfroot and herb and fully clear the map is a turn off.

Dragon 2 is the best because it strikes the perfect balance, linear enough so you can easily complete it 100% without making rounds doing a billion side quests or finding herbs every 2nd step you take, great skill trees you can play around and combo around and story isnt bad in my eyes, def enjoyed the different world of kirkwall.

I feel like this was the most productive Ralph thread of all time

Community falsely believes you need to be optimal for invites/spots/success etc reminder said community is not world first raiders.

Covenants lock people and forces them to be unable to be optimal at everything, they might choose to be optimal at raids but they will be sub optimal at m+ for example.

The people who falsely have that belief might now realize, m+ can still be done just as fine without AoE covenant therefore realizing that covenants or specs which the community deems as “trash” can still perform just as well.

Example. “X person chooses venthyr because it is the best raid covenant, they are sub optimal for m+, does this person stop doing m+? No, he will keep doing m+ even sub optimally realizing that being sub optimal doesnt actually kill you”

Not saying it is absolutely gonna happen, but it is an attempt to fix the community and I will always support such attempts.

For all those reading

This will never fix it and has the potential to make the problem worse

All that’s happening is we don’t get to try out as many fun builds

Or the people who choose to be optimal at raiding might be continuously barred from m+, or vice versa.

People already realize this. In fact, raider IO actually promotes this. Balance Druids (and feral) typically are seen as being fairly weak in keys currently (whether or not it’s actually true). Turns out I’m still getting into groups despite playing one.

Locking people to covenants isn’t going to create any magical realizations among the community, people will just go with the path of least resistance and say “if you’re not X covenant, we don’t want you”

Most people who pug their keys out have pugged into keys as well. If the realization hasn’t hit them by now, it isn’t going to hit them at all.

It’s really not.

I don’t think sticky covenants are a bad thing.

I didn’t think sticky talents when we had dual spec was a bad thing, either.