Hypocrisy of min maxers on covenants

People want to do that with their class that matters, not small rep that impedes how they want to play their class.

If they want more classes then they can just make more. Not create this kind of atrocity.

I’m not that worried about it for now to be honest. It’ll either work or it won’t. I just like to discuss my views. Often in a circle because I think the more I repeat myself the more people will notice what I’m saying. idk. Seems the way things work around here lol.

I have found there seems to be 2 major ways to be noticed here.

  1. Be extremely rude and abbrasive to the point where you are almost trolling

  2. Just repeat yourself a ton of times until people pick up what you are laying down.

I have tried both these methods. I like the results of the second one better. The first one seems to detract the attention from what your trying to say. Devolving into people just throwing insults everywhere.

That is what I ve been saying, it is clear some people dont give a damn about the RPG part of mmorpgs, they just want to get their loadout and jump in combat and “win” as if this is some fps.

Ion said it best: “The build you have gravitated towards that has these strenghts and weaknesses that ther eis a core of RPG customization that lies in those differences”

In an rpg you get in, you see the trees and choices, maybe you google about the later options and decide what build you want to play, that build has strengths and weakness you have chosen.
Because you are allowed to respect doesnt mean the game is supposed to be played by min maxing and respecing before every battle, it is allowed, it is not the main way to play the game, the main way to play the game is the way devs envision it, other ways are also valid as long as they dont hurt the community, but some clearly do.

I am replaying dragon age 2 and going for full entropy tree which is more CC and less damage focused, that means I wont be doing as much damage as another type of magic but I will be better at cc.

And the great thing is no matter what build I make, I ll still beat the game, WoW isnt much different since m15s and mythic bosses arent tuned to only be beaten by min maxers/fotmers, any spec can do them.

these are strawman arguments, homie

they’re here because the devs think they’re cool, and they were made this way because they want you to feel an attachment to them

Role playing just isnt some people scene

I like doing a bit of casual RP here and there but my passion lays with stepping on necks in BGs

I don’t think I can force my way of enjoying the game on other people though

This doesn’t work and is just basicly going in circles.

This doesn’t promote any discussions, and is what often that cause discussions to derail.

I think the best way to go around it is that you should always ask yourself "Is my post adding something new or constructive to the discussion. If it doesn’t you don’t need to post or answer basicly.

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The rpg concept is not build in stone, unless you feel like a purist about it. But wow wasn’t made for purist, it was made for everyone. That wanted an rpg or just wanted to socialize or etc. There’s no wrong playstyle in wow (as long as you respect the ToS :wink:)

Idk, seems to work for me. The circle thing that is. I have noticed I’ve gotten more empathy over the days of repeating myself. Nobody has changed their minds but people gradually understood my point of view. Which in of itself is nice. If people can understand it, maybe they are less likely to be repulsed by it if anything that is beneficial to me is added.

You might just be reaching more people or explaining yourself better each time you repeat an idea, which isn’t a bad thing.

But yea each time you bring titanforging back I twitch a bit. xd

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I’ve taken the stance of trying to offer a peaceful dialog and probe around until I can work out the motivation behind the ideals that are held

If I find it comes from a place of malice I’ll pull them apart, if not then I’ll try to have a dialog with the other person that I’m talking with

Granted it took me a while to work out that’s the more effective way because I really like going hard

I’ll never forgive TF after getting pants TF’d to heroic level then doing a heroic raid and getting the same pants at the same ilvl

Then I was like “you know what I think this sucks”

Never forget having 2-3 alts not doing mythic raiding being better geared than my main, never forget…

Don’t mean to make people twitch, just phrasing, and rephrasing is the only way I know how to communicate what is in my head super well. Sometimes things make sense to me and I know they will make sense to other people. I just don’t know how to draw the picture with words. So it takes saying the same thing a bunch of different ways until the words click. It sucks that different words mean so many different things for people. It makes communicating hard.

That is on me though, I don’t have a ton of practice communicating so thats my bad.

I don’t hate the idea of items getting upgraded for casuals that didn’t do higher content but still sunk hours into the game but RNG was not the way to go about it

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Don’t worry communicating is an art form in its self and we don’t get education on how to get the most out of a conversation

The best way I’ve found is to ask a lot of questions about why they think the way they do until you can get full scope of it the points they’re trying to get across

Honestly that is really all I want. The RNG thing was just nice because I like feeling that I got lucky. Back in Classic you would get epic drops out in the world and that is what drove me back then. That and fire resist rings I could sell. Idk… Game lost a lot of that feel after TBC. Epic in the world just isn’t the same.

Yeah I don’t mind the getting lucky but seeing the impact it can have once you start moving up the ladder puts a whole new spin on things

It’s like you get lucky once but that can set you up for finding something unlucky in the future

Personally I think the stats we are using are too bland and if they added a few more spicy stats on gear it would shake it up in a good way

I miss multi-strike. I don’t even care that it was viewed as the same as Criticals. I liked it because it enabled builds that was proc heavy.

Bro I miss armour pen

I’d love to see them add like more stats but they just come out at a lower rate, so they could readd multi strike, penetration and crit damage

That would be dank

Just don’t add hit chance back…that was gross.