Hype at 0, probably less

:grimacing: does it though?

And you know how many people care…0. You’re one of the reddit cry babies the devs just need to ignore. The same goes with 90% of the forums. Go through and it’s just cry cry cry I don’t want this cry cry cry game is hard.


So you’re a fan of perma bans, cool, so am I. But thats not what you are advocating for when you support banning GDKP.

The analogy would be instead of your account getting banned for RMT, whatever activity you bought the gold for should be banned. Bought gold for your epic mount? Ban epic mounts! Bought gold for consumes? Ban consumes! The argument is quite obviously flawed and yet you and others are supporting it.

Another completely ridiculous argument. You think a GDKP host is not gonna notice they invited a bot? Lol

No I’m saying the hosts are the most likely to be the seller. Remember Blackuncle’s guild ranked in the top ten. We think of gold sellers as bots but they are actually really skilled players who also run bots. Still don’t understand why you pull out pieces of what I say and add them to your post. Why can’t you just write your own post? It is unnecessary you hit reply to me dude I know what I said.

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That’s adorable. I bet you don’t pay attention to signs within companies you follow to determine if they care about you as the player or you as the customer more…… geez what a brown nose. Are you still playing Destiny 2?

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That was the less important 1/3rd of what I said. If you want to believe in conspiracy theories go ahead I dont care.

You gonna ignore the other part conveniently?

Of course it was stupidly long and leaned on pulling what I said out of context to prove a point or something. TBH I skipped to the end I barely read your posts you never say anything interesting. It was 2/3s to long lol

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It was literally shorter than what you wrote. Also, is this really what the anti GDKP crowd has come to? Sad.


Diescumdie drops their trousers and moons Bergelmir
GDKP ban still in effect P4 coming 07/11

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When intellectually destroyed resort to trolling, my job here is done.


You sure did and your mom called she said you were very special
I never made any analogy how do you propose a better analogy when no analogy was made?
Use 2 real stories to show how GDKP is used by gold sellers that is why I skim this guys comments his “arguments” rely on pulling stuff from other people’s posts out of context. Biggest laugh he thinks he is intelligent. At least his mom thinks he is special.
Diescumdie shoos Bergelmir shoo pest shoo

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You have no remaining arguments, cant respond to mine, resort to trolling and personal attacks, and as a cherry on top you refer to the arguments that you cannot respond to in quotes. :joy:

Destroyed. Not wasting my time with you anymore.


But I didn’t ever have an argument I proposed a theory based on actual events. You argue that’s your thing. Pro GDKP crowd sure love feeling like they “won”.
Diescumdie picks their nose and wipes it on Bergelmir.

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Are they removing the PvP aura? Or is SoD gonna fail quick?

They are dangling existing content and labeling it as new content in your face, to make you think it’s new content. I still wanna do the raids but I’m not grinding like I did before. PvP aura probably staying.

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Thanks for playin’.

Same people like you will be asking “where is everyone?!?!” In 2 months, not even that.


I hit level 10 in SoD on one toon.

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Why are you here……?