Hype at 0, probably less

I’m not gonna lie, I have gone from completely degen amounts of hype for sod, to having what feels like less than 0% hype. Been meaning to level my cata toon to 85, still only 81… Played all of mopmix, still need to do awakened stuff in DF and prepare for TWW…. But my trust in Blizz feels gone and my time and energy feels completely misplaced when I play any version of wow now. I was having so much fun in sod, and now it’s clear it was all for nothing.

There’s no way my guild will come back in full force, even if they do come back I’m certain most won’t play like they did. Even after summer. They draw out stuff to keep us subbed, to milk money out of us and so we think “well I have to use my game time, so I might as well play the other versions of wow.” What is the point of following a company like this and supporting them, when they are clearly dangling content in our faces.

I highly doubt I will “come back” to sod. Sure I’ll jump in and do some stuff, but the animosity and resentment is so strong I have reached my “Deadpool screw it” moment, and just want to throw my hands in the air and do something completely different.

Really not tryna come off as “this is your last chance” type of person because I just came back to wow in DF after being gone from the game since WOD… so I think my opinion matters more than most, because I was really having fun until the end of dragonflight…… seeing how Disneyfied everything has become…… I really expected a lot from sod. MMO’s might be dead period.


Yeah I’m about in the same boat. Mostly for me the game economy and difficulty of finding groups to raid with are what kill it for me. I’ve basically been forced out of playing my warrior due to the costs of consumes, enchants, professions and boe’s.

Going into P4 now with everyone buying up mats to get ready for hand of rag/thunder fury and all the other gear thats gona need to be bought/cafted. I’d just be another undergeared warrior that no one is gona want. Fortunately I started a resto sham at the end of p2 and geared him in ST this phase. So hopefully I can still have some fun playing him, maybe a merricle will occur and I’ll be able to raid on my warrior though.

Edit: As to your post getting flagged. That’s just the forum kids doing their best to ruin the game for everyone else.


Thanks for sharing.


My pleasure thanks for responding.


yea im not really looking forward to it tbh anymore myself. i loved p1, p2 wasnt bad, then p3 yuck. if we continue this trend p4 will be a flop. but even if its not im just not feeling it. apart of me wants sod to keep going and turn out good but i have been reading/watching some videos about “new raid content at 60” and we may not even get new raids till after naxx. thats nuts. it makes sense tho. atiesh has lore connected to kara so some are speculating u need to get this staff so u can open kara or kara crypts if they do it. also they teased a Scarlet crusade raid at blizzcon but some are saying they would do it after naxx again so u can take corrupted ashbringer into the raid and cleanse it making it into a legendary paladin weapon. cool concepts but so far away.

i honestly wish they would just come out and say we messed up with sod and we apologize. we are going to scrap it. we are going to release a few fresh classic/tbc/wrath servers and in the meantime work on a true classic + may take a year or 2 but thats fine.


That’s what’s ripped my hype and trust away. All these “that would be cool” and “what ifs”


Yeah the botched P3 and the delay for P4 ripped away all the momentum SoD had imo.


They completely killed it, this massive content gap isn’t going to be worth what they give us. They really had the chance to do good with this and they dropped the ball as usual. I had fun in p1 p2, p3 was alright. My guild went from having 40 people online at 3am to 3 people online any time of the day.


p4 has a lot of hype behind it, what are you even saying? just go back to retail if you dont want to play p4. its okay.


That’s what these blind supporters aren’t understanding, in this day and age and especially with all the factors going into SOD… this gap in content is unprofessional and shows a lack of planning. It’s truly sad. In 2024 it looks like we are living the movie Idiocracy. We got all this technology but people aren’t evolving with it.


They have 4 part-time developers on the SOD team and you expect a brand new raid???


well when they tease kara crypts and a scarlet crusade raid at blizzcon for sod, yes i do.


but wait, theres a video coming!

-thanks for sharing
-just quit the game if you are unhappy with it
-your opinion doesn’t matter more then anyone else. get over yourself. especially since you are essentially a tourist player at this point


Everyone’s opinion matter. They can post if they want, especially since most of the SoD Pop are just Tourists…


the OP’s claim was that their opinion mattered more then everyone elses because they have just came back from the game after a prior play gap from WoD.

as for the tourism. investing heavily into fair weather players is a bad strategy long term as the tourists are going to leave for the next big thing regardless of said investment.

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so long, farewell, to you, my friend!






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giving someone the advice of doing something else with their time if they arent happy with an entertainment service they are paying for is having issues?

telling someone that their opinion isnt more important then anyone elses is having issues?

so what your saying is being honest with another player/person is having issues? if thats the case its sounds like a good thing.

here have some more “issues”: get off your high horse mr white knight. you’ll be happier

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SoD p4 won’t bring that many people back and most that come back will almost certainly immediately quit.

Honestly the truth is a lot of people are just over SoD at this point and tired of holding out hope for it.

The only thing I miss about SoD is my guildies from it and the community we built.

The actual gameplay? It had it’s moments but the glaring issues just add up and add up until eventually you realize there are better options out there (private servers tbh)