Hype at 0, probably less

Try FFXIV… It’s a really damn good story, the trial version of it is a couple hundred hours of gameplay before you have to buy more current expansions and start paying a sub, and they’re about to launch another expansion at the beginning of july.

As for me, I told my guild I’d stick around until at least P4 to see how it goes, but damn is it looking bleak.

I tried to start gearing an alt via pvp for funsies, and even with a premade, horde queu timers are 27+minutes… Like… get your *poop together blizzard.


no 40mans, no Robo. easy enough.


doesn’t the free trial go til the end of Stormblood now? extremely generous “free trial”

really great story, a lot of cool evergreen stuff, I just wish pressing buttons felt as good as WoW + PVP wasn’t dumbed down versions of the classes


If they allow GDKP hype would be greater than 0. If not, raids are gonna die out quick.

Nobody is gonna want to host a BWL raid only to lose all the gear and walks away with nothing.


taking 8 months to get level 60 in a what should be a year-long season :\

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Everyone I played sod with and people I didn’t play SOD with aren’t even talking about SOD p4.

It has no hype.


Seeing how I started the game back in wrath, lightly played mop and cata and quit in WOD…. I believe I hold the right to say my opinion matters more than most.

  • I never got to play vanilla but I know exactly what players expect out of that experience. I was excited for SOD to experience what I didn’t get to plus MORE.
  • I understand MMO’s without experiencing them for almost a decade and without ever being a degenerate player. I understood the game even as a casual.
  • Because I understand what we as the players and supporters deserve out of the SOD experience, I also understand and know that there are people like you who blindly jump into their daily dopamine routines and question nothing about it….

Ignorance is bliss and there is nothing wrong with that, but you should at least be smart enough to allow yourself to be ignorant in order to enjoy things without any conscious opinions. I can allow myself to turn my brain off in retail on OCCASION…. Because maybe I want to be stupid for a day. Difference between you and me is that I know when I’m doing it.

Call me a tourist all you want, the reality is I’m an enthusiast. Of lore…… class fantasy…… class gameplay…. Lore expanding content…… what are you even trying to reach for? Do you need help? Maybe you should ask some questions before assuming.


ok ill ask more questions

fundamentally you’ve barely generated the company income while you were playing. why should they consider your opinion when even in the best-case scenario you would leave the game in few months time? dont you think it would be more prudent to listen the opinion of those who actually played vanilla or at the very least era classic so when you have long left the game they have something they may enjoy? Why should they cater to and waste development resources on someone who isnt even going to partake in the content?

what makes you think that you know what vanilla players want when you’ve played neither vanilla, classic, or even a private era relevant server?

why would you even think that you would get the vanilla experience in sod? the expectation from the developers was set from the beginning that it would be a temporary accelerated server in which they be doing significant experimentation. the very introduction of the runes means you’ve basically been playing wrath not vanilla from a mechanics standpoint.

what makes you think the casual experience was the vanilla experience? vanilla wow wasnt casual friendly. the clear rate was 0.7% of the population seeing all the content. There were content droughts, community and guild breakups, burnout, etc even back then. what happen to the guild you mentioned is the vanilla experience.

what makes you think you know anything about what players and supporters deserve? you didnt play the original content and you didnt even play the rereleased content. The devs did not promise classic+ but even if they did you didnt experience the original content to make a comparison.

the lore is over 20 years old; the class fantasy has already been improved (like one of the few things blizzard did right), the class gamplay has already deviated from vanilla so that is irrelevant. So again, i ask why does your opinion matter more than that of a tourist? i assumed nothing, you came to the forums making essentially an ultimatum post complaining that your guild fell apart and offered nothing constructive as far as changes. then had the arrogance to suggest you know better than everyone else without even basic accolades to back it up.

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Arguing with people on this forum is a bigger sunk cost fallacy than the game.


you want to pay for the gear you helped drop?

why? you helped kill the bosses.


Thanks for sharing your lack of excitement. I’m excited to run MC with the boys.


The tone of your message makes it sound like you’re disenchanted with the game, perhaps it’s time for you to move on.


I can not even begin to comprehend the minds of players that are excited to go back to mc

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I’ll reply to you when I care enough

cope :expressionless:


I’m hyped for P4!

Why did you find something new to buy with all your swiper gold?

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Don’t understand where this came from but no I’m excited to hit 60 like everyone else weirdo. Oh wait your referring to a previous confession the one where I admitted I bought gold once.( Don’t worry that account was perma banned lesson learned) Glad you brought that up A. Perma bans work 2 years of progress gone. Never gonna buy gold again. B. It was delivered in the mail with a note Thanks for the GDKP! C. Now combine my story with Blackuncle’s story about being in a guild with guys who got banned bought new subs kept playing so they could get in the top ten blah blah blah. The interesting detail of that story is the players ran bots and raided. So if you were a gold seller wouldn’t you also run GDKPs as well as bot? I mean running GDKPs is the best way to make gold right? Wonder if it was a gold seller that introduced this system I mean eventually everyone gets tired of farming and with mats getting as cheap as they get they probably had to come up with a new business model. Of course this is just a crazy theory of mine but food for thought.

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Nope GDKP sucks destroys the economy you guys simply aren’t smart enough to see how it impacts everyone else and you guys won’t listen to anyone when they try to explain it so it’s just a no. GDKP is banned in SOD thank goodness I’m super pumped for phase 4 let’s go


Those werent teases.

They literally said they were just cool pictures.

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